Future Opportunities for On-Call Contract Holders

NOTE: these opportunities are open only to those firms currently holding an on-call contract with DOTI.

Professional Services (Projected)

Q3 2024

  • Buell BOH restrooms Phase 2 (6 pack)
    Phase 2: Provide updates to 6 backstage restroom facilities (aka "6 pack") within dressing rooms.
  • 2024 Ped Improvements Project
    Pedestrian improvement projects
  • RISE Bond RSA Improvements
    Safety improvements on HIN corridors
  • SRTS School Zone Improvements
    School zone signs, markings and signal improvements
  • Stout Two-way Conversion Design
    Roadway design and signal improvements
  • DM: Cherry Creek Trail Design
    Trail design along 1st Avenue
  • 2025 Bike Paving
    Bikeway design
  • Sanitary Maintenance Projects Design
    This project includes design of a replacement pipe for an undersized 8" sanitary main in 50th at Colorado Blvd and disconnection of storm sewer to the sanitary main near 7th and Mariposa.
  • Lift Station #6 Design
    This project includes a full lift station design including a new building structure, modern mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment to improve reliability, reduce operation and maintenance costs, and bring the facility up-to-date with current standards.
  • Lift Station #10 Design
    This project includes a full lift station design including a new building structure, modern mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation equipment to improve reliability, reduce operation and maintenance costs, and bring the facility up-to-date with current standards.
  • Sloans Lake Improvements - Design
    This project includes design of water quality improvements for Sloans Lake.
  • Jackson Phase 3 - Design
    This project connects to the existing storm system constructed in multiple phases that takes advantage of storm detention in Ferril Lake at City Park.

Q4 2024

  • HSIP '26 - Dakota and Broadway/Lincoln
    New traffic signal project
  • HSIP '26 - Park Ave/Lawrence & Evans/Sherman
    Signal improvement projects

Construction Services (Projected)

Q3 2024

  • Best Western Roof & Boiler Replacement
    Replacement of the existing roof and boiler.
  • CCB 14th Street Entrance & Restroom Renovation
    Reconfiguration of an existing entrance along 14th St. to allow for 24-hour access with the appropriate access permissions as well as a renovation of private, fully accessible restroom at CCB.
  • Central Library Condensate Pump
    The project shall include replacement of the steam condensate pumps on level B3 of the Denver Central Library. This involves the provision of 2 new condensate pumps and associated piping, valves, and other accessories, and associated electrical connections. The existing sump, support cover, and condensate control panel shall be reused.
  • Central Library Stone Work Final Phase
    Final phase of stone repair work at Central Branch Library. Work includes removal of sealants along the portions of the colonnade façade of the Central Library. Repairs shall be made to damaged stone/pre-cast panels. Installation of new sealants and weep vents at specified locations will be necessary across the façade, along with cleaning and application of water-repellant sealants to specific areas.
  • DCJ Building #22 Shower Upgrades
    Remodel pod showers at the Denver County Jail.
  • DFD 1/HQ Entrance Reconfiguration
    Remodel and upgrade the entrance lobby security including a new customer service area.
  • DFD 28 Vehicle Collision Damage
    Repair building damage due to vehicle collision
  • Elections Improvements
    Work to better secure the exterior doors; this may include full replacement of doors.
  • Ellie Caulkins - Seating and Surtitling
    Replace existing theater seating and integrated electronic libretto system (ELS) to upgrade the seating quality and titling system to current technology (2,188 seats) in the Ellie Caulkins Opera House.
  • Group B Roofs Replacement
    Remove and replace roofs, including lift/reset of third party solar.
  • Martinez Park Phase 1
    The first phase of work includes renovations to the entry plaza, memorial plaza, pavilion picnic area, fitness area, great lawn and loop path.
  • Red Rocks Jurassic Lot Lighting
    Add permanent lighting to the overflow Jurassic Lot, as well as replace lights in 3 other lots.
  • Schlessman Family Branch Library Renovation
    Expand and renovate the Schlessman Family Branch Library to better serve the needs of the community.
  • Tooley Hall Security Office Renovation
    Enlarge the security front office/check-in/medication dispenser station
  • Wastewater Restack Phases 2B and 2C
    Renovation of level 1, level 4 and level 6 of the Wastewater Building.
  • Passenger Amenity Program Bus Stop Package 2
    Bus stop improvements
  • Mill 15A (8th Ave)
    Signal construction at (8) locations
  • Emergency Signal Replacement Project
    Traffic signal maintenance at (5) locations
  • Iowa Underpass Multimodal Pathway
    Improvements to existing underpass
  • Pedestrian and VZ Intersection Improvements
    Intersection and pedestrian improvements at (22) intersections
  • Alameda Underpass Rehab
    Rehabilitation of underpass structure and install of sidewalk
  • Smith Rd & 29th Ave Sidewalks (possibly CD 10, Group 1, Project C)
    Sidewalk improvements
  • 51st Avenue Emerson to Logan
    Roadway, signal and sidewalk improvements

Q4 2024

  • West Colfax, Villa Park & LaAlma/Lincoln Park NTMP
    15 mobility and safety projects around 3 neighborhoods
  • 44th Ave (Pearl to Sherman) Sidewalks
    New sidewalk improvements
  • Downtown Bus Priority Project
    Small scale multimodal improvements
  • Peoria Street Multimodal Improvements (Phase 2)
    Multiuse path and intersection improvements
  • 405 S. Platte and Animal Shelter Power Upgrades
    Installing a standby generator at 405 S. Platte and installing an ATS at Animal Shelter.
  • 7th Avenue Warehouse
    Complete building and site upgrades for use of the warehouse by Newcomers/Unhoused.
  • Barnum Rec Center - Electrification
    Provide a study of mechanical and electrical system improvement options at the facility and a design package of the selected option(s) to improve the overall efficiency of the building and increase staff and patron comfort year-round, in addition to replacement of approximately 1,000SF of deteriorating facade.
  • CCC - Camp Phase 3 & Katherine Craig Structural
    Mess Hall and Barracks 1a & 1b Restoration at Morrison. Structural repairs at Katherine Craig.
  • Daniels Park Water Line
    Installation of new waterline for Daniels Park.
  • DCJ Electrical Improvements
    Replace existing automatic transfer switch (ATS) at Building 22 and improve Building 21 generator system.
  • McNichols Building Water Leak
    Investigate and repair leak in Xcel vault lid at McNichols Building.

Q1 2025

  • Mill 18
    Signal reconstruction at 1 location
  • 911 Call Center Sewer Repairs
    Investigation and repair of sanitary sewer lines.
  • CPC MS4 Permit Compliance for Wastewater Washouts
    Investigation of MS4 Permit compliance at the Central Platte Campus and construction of identified repairs to bring the site into compliance.
  • DCJ Building 16 Sewer Repairs
    Investigation and repair of sanitary sewer lines.
  • Glenarm Roof & HVAC
    Repair/replacement of the roof and HVAC equipment at Glenarm Recreation Center
  • Hadley Library Branch Sewer Repairs
    Investigation and repair of sanitary sewer lines.
  • Kennedy Golf Course Concrete Bridge Repair
    Condition assessment, development of rehabilitation plan, and construction support services for Kennedy Golf Course Bridge D-01-CC-370
  • Montbello Central Baseball and Tennis
    RISE Bond Project to replace existing Baseball fields and Tennis Courts; may include demo of concession stand.
  • Wash Park Rec Center Ped Bridge (S.R. DeBoer Park is no longer included)
    Replace existing bridge at Washington Park that is no longer serviceable and in need of replacement.
  • Wellshire Golf Cart Bridge
    Repair/replace the golf cart bridge over the highline canal to the parking lot due to structural issues.
  • Youth Empowerment Center
    Youth Empowerment Center Improvements
  • McNichols Building Structural Roof Repair
    Structural review and repair of the roof on the McNichols Building in Civic Center Park.
  • Webb Garage Structural Repair
    Structural review and repair of the parking garage in the Webb Building.
  • Bear Creek Picnic Sites
    RISE Bond Project - Picnic shade structure along with irrigation, sidewalk, trash receptacles, stone retaining wall, BBQ grill & bench seating.

Q3 2025

  • Bear Creek Park Pedestrian Bridge Repairs & Trail
    Trail improvements to the south side of the creek. New bike/pedestrian bridge on west side of park. Low flow crossing anticipated as well.