Citizen Oversight Board


Upcoming Events:
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 24, at 11am (NOTE DELAYED START). Agenda to come. 

To join the Board's regularly scheduled virtual meetings, please register using the following links: 2nd Fridays  |  4th Fridays

View the 2025 Schedule(PDF, 135KB).


The Citizen Oversight Board (COB) was created in 2004 and consists of nine community members who are broadly tasked with assessing the effectiveness of the Denver Department of Public Safety’s hiring, training, and disciplinary processes and making recommendations as appropriate. In order to do so, the Board is granted regular access to public safety department leaders as well as confidential records. The Board is also responsible for appointing, by and with the consent of the City Council, the Independent Monitor, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board.

The Board typically meets on the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month.

Learn more about Denver's law enforcement oversight system by watching this video. 

Contact Us

Citizen Oversight Board
Denver Post Building
101 W. Colfax Ave., Suite 100
Denver, CO 80202

Voicemail: (720) 913-3150

Additionally, we can be reached on our Twitter and Facebook pages.

You can also join our email list.

Open Records Policy

In order to pay for the cost of staff, custodians of public records within the City and County of Denver may charge for research and retrieval time necessary to respond to requests for records under the Colorado Open Records Act (“CORA”). Pursuant to C.R.S. §24-72-205(6), staff time may be charged at a rate up to $41.37 per hour. There shall be no charge for the first hour of time for research and retrieval of records.