Frequently Asked Questions

Mail Ballots

Do I need to request an absentee ballot?

Voters do not need to request an absentee ballot. Colorado's voting model allows each active voter to automatically receive a ballot by mail up to 22 days before the last day to vote. Make sure your address is up to date at

When will I receive my ballot?

Ballots will be mailed to voters up to 22 days before the last day to vote. Please allow up to a full week for delivery. Didn't get your ballot? Double check your address at, then call 720-913-VOTE (8683).

How do I return my ballot?

Voters can return their ballots to one of 43 24-hour drop boxes around the city or at Voter Service and Polling Centers and drive-throughs. Locations will be available at Voters may also choose to return their ballot via mail (postage required). To ensure your ballot reaches the Denver Elections Division on time, send it back at least 8 days before Election Day.

Can I get my mail ballot early?

Voters may pick up their mail ballot early at the Denver Elections Division main office.

How do I track my ballot?

Sign up to receive notifications via text or email about the status of your ballot with BallotTrax.


How do I know my ballot is secure?

The Denver Elections Division is committed to holding safe, secure and transparent elections. Every single signature on ballot envelopes is verified by a highly-trained team, and all ballot processing teams are bipartisan. Learn more about mail ballots from creation to counting, and get an inside look at our processing rooms.

Can I return someone else's ballot?

Per Colorado law, you can return your own ballot and up to 9 voted ballots per election on behalf of other voters.

Can someone else drop my ballot off?

If you are unable to return your voted ballot, someone else may return your ballot on your behalf. One person may return no more than 10 ballots per election, including their own.


I need a new ballot.

Voters with lost, damaged, or mismarked ballots may request a replacement by calling 720-913-VOTE (8683) or by visiting one of our Voter Service and Polling Centers. 

Can I pick up someone else's ballot?

Voters who need a replacement ballot may designate a person to pick up the new ballot on their behalf. The designated person must bring a signed Emergency Ballot Replacement form(PDF, 99KB) along with acceptable ID.

In-Person Voting

Where can I vote?

Find in person voting locations and hours at Voters can also find locations and hours in their mail ballot packet, distributed to every active voter with a current address.

When does in person voting begin?

Information on in-person voting will be available at Voters can also find important dates in their mail ballot packet, distributed to every active voter with a current address. 

What if I want to vote on Election Day?

Voters are strongly encouraged to vote early to avoid long wait times at Voter Service and Polling Centers. However, if you do vote on Election Day, you must be in line to vote by 7 p.m. Come prepared with valid identification.

Voter Registration

How do I confirm my registration?

Go to to confirm your registration status and details. Having trouble finding your record or have questions? Contact us at 720-913-VOTE (8683) or

Why is my registration status Inactive?

We either sent you an official piece of election mail that was returned to us as undeliverable or were notified through USPS National Change of Address that you have moved. To confirm your registration status or update your address, go to


How do I become a Confidential Voter?

Pursuant to CRS, §24-72-204(3.5)(b), please complete the Confidential Voter form and return it in person to the Denver Elections Division at 200 W. 14th Avenue, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80204. Identification is required.

Can I register to vote before I turn 18?

Yes, in Colorado, you can pre-register at the age of 16.