Cherry Creek North Design Advisory Board


Established in 1988, the Cherry Creek North Design Advisory Board reviews projects in the Cherry Creek North zone districts to ensure they follow the spirit and intent of the district, its sign code and the Cherry Creek North Design Standards and Guidelines (PDF). 

Join the Board

Licensed architects residing in the City and County of Denver and retailers from the Cherry Creek North District are encouraged to apply for two openings on the Cherry Creek North Design Advisory Board. The application deadline is November 15, 2024. Download call for applications below for complete information and instructions on how to apply.

Call for applications(PDF, 379KB)

Proposed Amendments to Existing Design Standards and Guidelines

Community Planning and Development is updating the current Design Standards and Guidelines for Cherry Creek to include the Cherry Creek West redevelopment in the document's purview. A public hearing was held on the proposed amendments Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024. The design standards and guidelines document will be updated soon to reflect the amendments. 

Download and Review the Proposed Amendments(PDF, 8MB)

General Meeting Information

Cherry Creek North Design Advisory Board meetings are open to the public. 

  • Time and date: 8 a.m., the second second Wednesday of every month. 
  • Location: Cherry Creek North Business Improvement District Office, 2401 E. 2nd Avenue, Denver
  • Virtual access: Applicants and members of the public may participate virtually via Microsoft Teams. If you plan to attend virtually, please reach out to board staff so we can provide a meeting link.

Meeting agenda and call-in information

Language and ADA Assistance

Denver’s Department of Community Planning and Development (CPD) complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or gender to include language. It is your right to request oral or written language assistance services in your primary language, sign language interpretation, real-time captioning via CART, or disability-related accommodations, if needed. Please visit our language services page to fill out our language services request form, and these services will be provided free of charge. If you have any questions, contact CPD’s Operations Team at

Language and ADA Services at CPD 


The board consists of seven Denver residents appointed to three-year terms by the mayor from nominations provided Cherry Creek North Business Improvement District (BID). Board membership consists of:

  • three licensed architects
  • one licensed landscape architect
  • one Cherry Creek North BID board member
  • one property owner from the district
  • one retailer from the district 
Name Role Term expiration
 William Coffield Chair, Property owner  12/31/2025
Ignacio Correa-Ortiz Architect 05/19/2027
Calley McCue Retailer 12/31/2024
Lisa McInroy Board member of Cherry Creek North BID Representative 12/31/2025 
David Morris Architect 05/19/2027
Blake Mourer Vice Chair, Architect  12/31/2024 
Laurel Raines Landscape architect  12/31/2025 
Olga Mikhailova Ex-officio n/a

Area of Oversight

The Cherry Creek North Design Advisory board reviews projects in the Cherry Creek North zone districts.

Cherry Creek North Design Advisory Board coverage map

Download area of oversight map (PDF)