Denver's cold weather shelters will remain open as long as weather conditions are met.
The Assessor's Office locates, appraises, and records all of Denver's real and personal properties in accordance with the Colorado Constitution, State statutes, and Board of Equalization procedures.
The Budget and Management Office oversees all aspects of the city's budget and informs and develops solutions to achieve efficient and effective operations through its Peak Academy.
The Capital Planning and Real Estate Division oversees the city's capital planning and programming work and the city's real estate portfolio.
The Cash and Capital Funding Division manages the city's cash position and handling, investments, and the management and issuance of city and airport debt obligations and other financing instruments.
The Controller's Office is responsible for the accounting, payroll, and financial reporting for the City and County of Denver. In addition, the Controller's Office establishes, maintains, and enforces the City’s accounting policies, practices, and procedures.
Risk Management and Worker's Compensation division oversees the city's risk management system and workplace safety training, as well as the city's self-insured worker's compensation program and Internal Service Fund.
The Treasury Division collects, records, and deposits all City and County of Denver taxes, and ensures compliance with all applicable tax law. The Treasury Division also includes Denver Motor Vehicle which provides title and registration services for Denver residents.