Renaming Denver Parks

The initiative to consider name changes for Denver Parks is on hold by the Denver Agency for Human Rights & Community Partnerships and Denver Parks & Recreation to reevaluate resources and allow for a fair and equitable community engagement process. Therefore, the meetings previously scheduled to discuss the potential renaming of Jefferson Park on October 25 and La Alma-Lincoln on November 2 will no longer take place. Initial community feedback regarding DeBoer Park indicated a desire to retain the current name, therefore no additional steps will be pursued regarding this park’s named at this time. Please navigate this page for more information and updates. For additional questions or suggestions, email
Project Overview
In June of 2020, amidst the racial reckoning occurring nationwide and in Denver, Denver Agency for Human Rights and Community Partnerships (HRCP) led a collaborative effort to review all City and County of Denver assets to keep with our efforts of advancing equity.
HRCP and its Renaming Committee reviewed a list of 370 city owned and insured properties. Using criteria developed by HRCP’s Renaming Commission in partnership with the State Historical Council at History Colorado, and with input from the Mayor’s 10 Advisory Commissions, approximately 20 assets were identified for further research and discussion. As a result of research, discussion, and a final vote by the members of the Renaming Committee, six city parks with historically complex naming histories are being considered for renaming.
Now, HRCP is seeking to engage our community members in an effort to determine if the community desires to rename or reframe the way we have come to know these 6 parks:
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