General Records Retention Schedule


Pursuant to Executive Order No. 143-B(PDF, 105KB), the Records Management Committee has adopted this General Records Retention Schedule; it replaces in its entirety and supersedes the 2002 Retention Schedule for Records Common to All City and County of Denver Agencies and Departments, and agency-specific schedules adopted prior to this date. This General Records Retention Schedule is a comprehensive revision. It includes references to the latest regulatory environment and best practices. It defines the minimum retention period that all City and County of Denver agencies must abide by.

This General Records Retention Schedule will be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure that appropriate updates are made.

The Records Manager is the owner of this Schedule; changes to the Schedule are NOT authorized except by direction of the Records Management Committee to the Records Manager.

Important: No record is to be destroyed if it is subject to litigation hold. Records should be destroyed at the end of the retention period in accordance with the instructions provided by the Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual.

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

General Description: Records relating to the building permit and inspection functions.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records maintained by the City and County agencies as address history files to provide a chronological record and running history of building-related activities for each address.
Retention: Permanent


Applications for the erection of new structures or modifications to existing structures.

  1.  Applications for Building Permits Issued

    Retention: 6 years

  2. Applications for Building Permits Not Issued
    Retention: 180 days from date of application


Permits issued for construction-related activities (such as new construction, remodeling, renovation, installation of plumbing, electrical or mechanical equipment, demolition, installations of billboards, signs, banners, etc.).
Retention: Permanent


Records pertaining to cases or appeals heard by the Fire Code Board of Appeals, Building Board of Adjustment, Building Board of Appeals or other boards with review and/or decision-making authority regarding code compliance, alternate building materials, methods of construction, building code violations or similar matters.
Retention: Permanent


Documents issued after the permitted construction activity is completed as evidence that all minimum requirements have been met before the building or structure can be occupied and used.
Retention: Permanent


Blueprints and specifications submitted as supporting documentation for a building permit.

  1. Approved
    Drawings, plans (final or as-built) or specifications for permit for public buildings, or commercial, industrial or apartment structures.
    Retention: 6 years after date of issuance of permit except retain permanently for structures with historic designations.
  2. Not Approved
    Unapproved drawings, plans (final or as-built) or specifications for building permit.
    Retention: 180 days from date of application


  1. Building and Structure Inspection Reports
    Records of final on-site inspections done to determine compliance with building, electrical, fire, plumbing, mechanical or other requirements and building standards; also includes other inspection reports, such as inlet inspections, proof roll inspections. etc.
    Retention: Permanent

  2. Soil Condition Reports
    Records of inspections of soil conditions, including nature, distribution and supporting ability of soils and rocks on building sites prior to issuance of building permits or approval of development proposals.
    Retention: 20 years

  3. Trailer/Mobile Home Inspection Reports
    Records of inspections of mobile home installations, anchoring, utility connections, etc.
    Retention: 2 years

  4. Unsafe Buildings
    Documentation of complaints, inspections, notifications, corrective actions, closure and boarding, demolition and related actions relating to buildings and structures determined to be unsafe.
    Retention: Permanent


Record books, ledgers or computer printouts listing issued building permits.
Retention: 3 years, except retain permanently if the register or ledger is older than 1920


Summary housing reports and statistical compilations tracking building activity on a monthly or annual basis, including reports compiled for the U.S. Census Bureau, used to monitor growth and track building trends. [Reference: County Retention Schedule 1.210]

  1. Annual Reports and Compilations
    Retention: See 40.290

  2. Monthly Reports
    Retention: See 40.290

05.090* RESERVED

Cross References

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts

Building permit fee collection – 30.020*, Accounts Receivable (A/R) Records

Codes adopted by reference – 40.070.A, Codes Adopted by Reference Communication Tower permits – 75.020.F, Permits Issued by the City and County of Denver in General Contractor's licenses – 75.020.B*, Contractor's Licenses/Registrations

Fence permits – 75.020.F, Permits Issued by the City and County of Denver in General

Gas and oil drilling structures -75.020.F, Permits Issued by the City and County of Denver in General Landmark designations – 50.040*, Landmark and Historic Designation

Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation Reports – 40.290, Reports

Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

General Description: Records relating to the administration, management and operation of cemeteries.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records documenting burials and inurnments, such as burial permits and stubs, burial permit register, death certificates, deceased persons book, final disposition records, physician's report, foundation order books and records of interment or inurnment.
Retention: Permanent


Records pertaining to the location, layout and ownership of the cemetery and individual cemetery lots or mausoleums, including abandonment records, block books, cemetery maps, indexes (alphabetical and location), plat books, and cemetery deeds and stubs.
Retention: Permanent


Records of financial transactions documenting perpetual care arrangements and lot ownership or burials, including financial records of the sale of cemetery lots, accounts receivable ledger, cashbook and receipts maintained by a self-sufficient cemetery separately from Denver's financial and accounting systems.
Retention: Permanent

Cross References

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts

Cemetery fee collection records – 30.020, Accounts Receivable (A/R) Records Policies and procedures – 40.220, Policies and Procedures

Documentation Reports – 40.290, Reports

Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards Vandalism – 95.050.C, Damage Records

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2013
Updated: June 2022

General Description: Records relating to the administration of elections, foreclosures, and preservation of city and county records for public access.

Source: This chapter of the City and County of Denver general retention schedule is provided by the Office of the Clerk and Recorder.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.



Ordinances approved by city council or vote of the people through initiated ordinance petitions
Retention: Permanent


Resolutions approved by city council
Retention: Permanent


Proclamations approved by city council
Retention: Permanent


Records relating to municipal charters, codes, building codes, fire codes.
Retention: Permanent


City council meeting minutes
Retention: Permanent


Audio/Video recordings of city council meetings on Reels, Cassettes, VHS, CD, DVD, etc.
Retention: Permanent


Annual filing of council member donations to organizations by Rules of Procedure City Council Rule 11.d
Retention: 3 years after term expiration


Newspaper publication proof from newspapers
Retention: Permanent


Public bulletin board notices, State posted permits, supporting documentation
Retention: 2 years


Annual Reports, Audits (or exemptions), Boundary Maps and Service Plans not otherwise recorded
Retention: Permanent

15.020 Special District Notices

Notices of Meetings, Elections, Active or Inactive Status not otherwise recorded
Retention: 1 year

15.021 Special District Directors’ Oaths of Office

Oaths of Office not related to City and County of Denver officials
Retention: 5 years


Official property assessment reports certified by the Denver Board of Equalization
Retention: Permanent


Official state of emergency declarations and supporting documents
Retention: Permanent

15.024 CITY CLERK FILES [see also #40.030*]

Documents assigned a City Clerk File Number including plans, bonds, contracts, agreements, between city and outside parties, miscellaneous documents including annual operating budgets, special district budgets.
Retention: Permanent


Disclosures by companies bidding on city contracts. Originate from other agencies.
Retention: 4 years after the contract term expiration


Financial disclosure forms
Retention: 2 years after leaving office


Oaths and appointments for elected and appointed officials of the City and County of Denver
Retention: Permanent


Executive Order 134 disclosures for agency, $2500+ gifts
Retention: 2 years


Lobbyist registrations, bi-monthly reports and related documents
Retention: 4 years


Applications for marriage license
Retention: Permanent


Registration and termination certificates, defined by ordinance DRMC 28-200
Retention: Permanent



Real property, marriage licenses, DD214, etc.
Retention: Permanent


Spurious recordings as determined by the city attorney’s office
Retention: 3 years


Request for redaction of public records made under state law
Retention: Permanent


15.050 OPEN RECORDS REQUESTS (CORA) [see also #40.200]

Open records requests as defined by the Colorado Open Records Act
Retention: 1 year after request is closed

15.051 RECORDS RETENTION SCHEDULES [see also #40.280.C*]

Authorizations for the retention or disposition of records
Retention: Permanent


Routine requests for information or documents that are submitted by the public
Retention: 6 Months



Public Trustee’s Deeds, Deeds of Trust, Evidences of Debt, etc
Retention: Permanent


Indemnifications related to releases with no evidence of debt
Retention: Permanent


Documentation of excess proceeds from foreclosure sales
Retention: Permanent


Documentation of third-party escrow agreements and assignments
Retention: 7 years following the termination of the agreement


Original proof of debt submitted by lenders
Retention: Permanent, until requested by lender



Affidavits of familiarity with the Fair Campaign Practices Act candidate committee statements of organization and campaign contribution and expenditure reports
Retention: Permanent


Statements required for persons making independent expenditures in support of or in opposition to a candidate or to convey a political message
Retention: Permanent


Committee statements of organization and campaign contribution and expenditure reports.
Retention: Permanent


(NOTE: These are duplicate copies that reside in the Clerk & Recorder Office)
Complaints filed under the Help America Vote Act
Retention: 6 months after election


Voter registration documents scanned into voter registration system
Retention: 90 days


Address confidentiality program voter registration
Retention: Permanent


voter registration system snapshots
Retention: Permanent


Charter initiative, initiative, insufficient, nomination, recall, referendum
Retention: 3 years


Elected and Unsuccessful candidate petitions
Retention: 2 years


Representative pages of all petitions, Annexation election, certifications of petitions
Retention: Permanent


Policies and procedures presented to employees
Retention: 25 months


Abstracts of votes cast, official voting summary, ballot certifications
Retention: Permanent


Precinct, ward, district designation and boundary maps
Retention: Permanent


Election equipment records, serial numbers, etc
Retention: Life of equipment +6 months


Election site surveys or other documents relating to Americans with Disabilities Act compliance
Retention: 15 years after no longer used


Advertisements and job announcements
Retention: 1 year


External requests for verification of employment
Retention: 2 years


Applications, resumes, supporting documentation
Retention: 2 years from application reception or personnel action, whichever is longer


Tests to determine aptitude or skills
Retention: 2 years


EEO-4 forms submitted to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
Retention: 3 years


I-9 Citizenship and eligibility forms
Retention: 3 years


Employee records and documentation
Retention: 3 years


(NOTE: These are duplicate copies that reside in the Clerk & Recorder Office)
Records of timecards/time sheets
Retention: Current year


(NOTE: These are duplicate copies that reside in the Clerk & Recorder Office)
Withholding allowance certificates
Retention: Current year


(NOTE: These are duplicate copies that reside in the Clerk & Recorder Office)
End of pay period payroll reports
Retention: Current year


City vehicle form, IT forms, etc.
Retention: Current year


Description of duties, qualifications, requirements
Retention: Until superseded


Written plans outlining job titles and pay scales
Retention: Permanent


Acceptance of commitment to serve
Retention: 25 months

15.099 BALLOTS

Returned envelopes, rejected ballots, provisional envelopes, FPCA documents, ballots, ballot receipts, voter system files
Retention: 25 months


Security video recordings
Retention: 25 months



Project related files, use case documents
Retention: 5 years after completion of project


Internal policies and procedures
Retention: Until Superseded + 5 Years


Walk in, online, and other traffic reports
Retention: 2 Years


Internal management reports
Retention: 2 Years



Short-term rental agreements and supporting documentation
Retention: 2 years after event


Rules, regulations, standards for City Agencies and Departments
Retention: Permanent

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

General Description: Records regarding the composition, operation, proceedings and enactments of boards, commissions, committees, authorities, task forces and similar bodies appointed by the governing body or the City and County of Denver officials.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


See Schedule 45.010*


Records of appointments and resignations, including applications, recruitment information, etc.

  1. Appointed Applicants
    Retention: 2 years after end of service

  2. Unsuccessful Applicants
    Retention: 2 years after conclusion of appointment process

20.030 BYLAWS

Documents adopted to set out rules and guidelines regarding how the entity operates. Retention: Permanent


Formally adopted strategic plans, work plans or policy agendas. Retention: Permanent


Retention: Permanent for cumulative lists; until superseded for lists of current members


See Schedule 45.090*


Documentation of compliance with laws requiring posting and distribution of notices of public meetings.

Retention: 2 years


Oaths taken by appointed officials upon taking office. Retention: Term of office + 1 year


Written findings or recommendations to Denver agencies rendered in an advisory or decision- making capacity; supporting documentation includes agenda item summaries and other documentation explaining the rationale for staff recommendations or presenting background information or the history of the recommendation.

Retention: 3 years, except retain those that have enduring historical or policy value permanently


Audio or video recordings of official meetings.

  1. Executive Sessions
    Retention: 90 days after meeting [CRS 24-6-402(2)(d.5)(II)(E)]

  2. Open Meetings
    Retention: 6 months after approval of minutes, except retain those that have enduring historical or policy value permanently

  3. Study Sessions
    Retention: 6 months after meeting

Cross References

Building Board Case Files – 05.040*, Building Review Board Case Files Correspondence – Schedule 145*, Correspondence Records

Internal committees – 40.080, Committees – Internal

Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation Reports – 40.290, Reports

Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards


Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

Updated: January 18th, 2013

General Description: Records relating to compliance with environmental protection requirements.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records pertaining to monitoring, inspections, investigations, surveys, screenings, testing, remediation and similar activities relating to land uses and activities that could potentially impact air/soil/ground water/surface water quality, water supply and the environment, such as feedlot operations, commercial and industrial contamination and pollution, gravel pit and mined land reclamation, oil and gas well drilling, sludge application by other jurisdictions, landfills of other jurisdictions, uranium mining, etc.

Retention: Permanent


  1. Disposal Manifests Retained by Hazardous Waste Generator
    Retention: Permanent

  2. Inspections
    Retention: 5 years from date of inspection

  3. Reports
    Reports, including CDPHE-EPA biennial report form 8700-13A for off-site shipments of hazardous wastes, and reports of on-site treatment, storage or disposal of hazardous wastes.
    Retention: 3 years from due date of report [40 CFR 262.40(b), CRS 25-5-510, 6 CCR 1007.3 Subpart D]

  4. Test Results and Waste Analyses
    Retention: 3 years from date waste was last sent to on-site or off-site treatment, storage and disposal [40 CFR 262.40(c), 6 CCR 1007.3 Subpart D]


Employers must have a MSDS on file for each hazardous chemical they receive and use and ensure copies are readily accessible to employees in their work area. Employer must keep records of chemicals used, where they were used and for how long. [General Reference: 29 CFR 1910.1200]

Retention: Until superseded or 2 years after chemical is disposed of or consumed, provided that employer retains some record of identity (chemical name if known)of substance or agent, where it was used, and when it was used, for at least 30 years [29 CFR 1910.1020(d)(ii)(B)]


S.A.R.A Title III (EPCRA) Tier II emergency and hazardous chemical inventory forms submitted annually, or within 90 days of exceeding the EPCRA threshold, to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and the local fire department by the Denver facilities that use or store chemicals requiring a material safety data sheet in volumes exceeding the threshold amount. This report serves as a record of chemicals used, where they were used and how long they were used. Note: S.A.R.A. refers to the Superfund Amendments Reauthorization Act.

Retention: 30 years [29CFR 1910.1020(d)(ii)(B)]


Records related to aboveground and underground storage of regulated substances such as gasoline, crude oil, fuel oil and diesel oil, including permits, applications, site information, emission inspections, monitoring, spills and cleanups, testing, upgrade installations, reports of financial condition required by CDPHE, proof of insurance coverage and financial responsibility, revocations, etc. [General Reference: 7 CCR 1101-14]

  1. Approved Permits and Supporting Documentation
    Retention: Permanent

  2. Denied Permits and Supporting Documentation
    Retention: 3 years after denial


Records related to the identification and designation of sites that may have toxic contamination. Retention: Permanent


  1. Administrative Records
    Records relating to the adoption impoundment, care and disposition of stray animals. Retention: 2 years

  2. Case Records
    1. Animal Case
      Records relating to subpoenas, citations, notices, letters, other court-issued instruments, forms, payments plans, hearing records, etc. Retention: 5 years from date of issuance

    2. Bite Case
      Retention: 5 years from date of issuance

    3. Euthanasia records
      Retention: Permanent

    4. Pit Bull Case
      Records including Pit Bull evaluation forms, hearing letter, renewal/permit, transport permit, warn owner notification, etc.
      Retention: 4 years

    5. Medical History records
      Records relating to animal medical history, statistics reports, surgical release, etc.
      Retention: Until case is resolved then evaluate for continuing value prior to destruction
  3. Officer Logs – Routine
    Records relating to call activity which include activity number, date and area, assigned officer, etc.
    Retention: 4 years

  4. Vector Control
    Records relating to bat baiting, chemical transfer form, kennels inspection, mice/rat baiting, mosquito larviciding report, mosquito larviciding sites, pesticide app report, pet grooming shop inspection, pet stores/retail inspection prairie dog colonies, prairie dog colonies.
    Retention: 4 years

  5. Owner Relinquishment Form
    Retention: 15 years

  6. Micro-chipping Paperwork
    Retention: 15 years

25.080* OFFICE OF THE MEDICALEXAMINER RECORDS [Ref#CRS 30-10-601 to 30-10-622]

Records relating to the reporting of deaths, autopsy request, mortuary release, coroner’s report, investigations’ supporting documentations, etc.

Retention: Permanent


Records relating to public health inspections, investigations, education and enforcement actions in regulated facilities including food service operations, child care facilities and residential health and housing complaints. Records include but not limited to citations, penalty assessment letters, enforcement notices, and variance letter or a petition to the Board of Environmental Health.

Retention: 4 years

Cross References

Chemical application records– 95.050*.A, Chemical Application Records Correspondence – Schedule 145, Correspondence Records

Hazardous materials exposure - 90.070*,Employee Records– Active and Terminated; 90.110.B*, Employee Medical Records in General

Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation Reports – 40.290, Reports

Rules, regulations and standards – 40.310, Rules ,Regulations and Standards

S.A.R.A. Tier II Reports– Fire Department's Copy – 100.060*.B, S.A.R.A. Tier II Reports – Fire Department's Copies Water and sewage treatment – 60.090, Water and Sewer Treatment System Records

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012
Updated: 11/13/2019

General Description: Records documenting and ensuring accountability for the receipt and expenditure of public funds.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records documenting outgoing payments.

A. Accounts Payable Records in General
A/P records including but not limited to automatic clearinghouse (ACH) forms, A/P balance sheets, copies of bills paid, checks issued (including check registers), invoices and statements, receiving reports, vendor files, expense and reimbursement request documentation, charge slips, credit card statements, and reports to the governing body listing bills to be paid.
Retention: 7 years

B. Credit Card Records [see also #30.040 Credit Card Receipts]
Records of credit cards issued for municipal use, e.g., monthly transaction receipts. Retention: 7 years
Forms 1099 and W-9
Forms for tracking taxpayer information for vendors when the charges for services exceed $600 for the year.
Retention: 4 years

C. Petty Cash Records
Records of petty cash fund account and requests for petty cash for various purposes.
Retention: 2 years


Records of collection of monies such as record documenting payments to Denver in which the City holds a property lien until the debt is satisfied (e.g., liens arising from demolition, lot cleaning), including original liens and lien releases; includes but is not limited to automatic clearinghouse (ACH) forms; on-line payments, cash books, journals, receipts, reports and supporting documentation; fines, fees and charges receipts, other payments and supporting documentation; accounts receivable balance sheets; cash register validation tapes; statements and invoices issued by Denver, etc. See also 30.210, Utility Billing.
Retention: 3 years


Records of accounts deemed uncollectable, including write-off authorizations. Retention: 3 years after the year of write-off date


Inventories and listings to track and control assets.

A. Annual Fixed Asset Reports
Worksheets listing fixed assets, purchases and disposition of assets.
Retention: Until superseded

B. Disposition Records
Records of disposal of surplus property (except real estate) and unclaimed, abandoned or confiscated property such as bicycles and vehicles by auction, competitive bidding or destruction, including date, department name, description of item, value, disposition, method and reason for disposition, condition, value and approvals.
Retention: 3 years after disposition

C. Inventories
Listings of expendable and nonexpendable property and assets, including buildings, real estate, vehicles, furniture, equipment, supplies, trees, merchandise for sale at Denver agencies operated concessions or gift shops and other assets; may include description, cost, date purchased, location, name of vendor and depreciation detail.
Retention: Until superseded

D*. Unclaimed Property Documentation
Any form of record sufficient to verify information on unclaimed property previously reported to the State Treasurer showing the name and last known address of the apparent owner of reportable unclaimed property, a brief description of the property, and the balance of each unclaimed account, if appropriate.
Retention: Date on which property is reportable + 10 years

30.040* CREDIT CARD RECEIPTS [see also #30.010.B Credit Card Records and #30.020 Accounts Receivable Records]

Credit card receipts of customer who purchases a product or service from the City and County of Denver using his/her credit card.
Retention: 18 months from date of original transaction


Records documenting the current status and transaction activity of funds held at banks.

A. Bank Records – Routine
Routine banking records, including but not limited to duplicate copies of checks, check stubs, voided checks, deposit slips and trial balances. See also 30.010, Accounts Payable (A/P) Records for checks and check registers, and 30.140.A, Investment Instruments for CDs, money market certificates, etc.
Retention: 3 years

B*. Bank Security Records
Records documenting the pledge of bonds or securities by banks serving as depositories for public funds including depository contracts, security pledges and statements, surety bonds, and similar records.
Retention: Permanent

C. Bank Statements, Pass Books and Reconciliations
Monthly statements pass books or reconciliations showing funds on deposit.
Retention: 7 years


Records documenting bankruptcies and foreclosures in which Denver has some kind of a financial interest due to liens, unpaid assessments, unpaid fees or bills, etc.
Retention: 7 years after recovery of money owed or when Denver has no further interest in the proceeding


A. Bond Issue Files
Records that document the authorization to finance improvements through bonded indebtedness, including bond anticipation notes, industrial development revenue bonds, general obligation bonds, revenue and refunding bonds, water bonds and special improvement bonds; includes correspondence, authorizations supporting financial arrangements, bond ratings, contracts or sales agreements, and sample copies or specimens of bonds.
Retention: 2 years after final payment

B. Bond Issue Proceedings Books
Certified record of proceedings relating to a bond issue, containing specimen (usually original) documents in book form.
Retention: Permanent

C*. Bonds, Notes and Coupons Paid
Records relating to the exchange, conversion, or replacement of bonds by bondholders. Canceled or redeemed bonds and coupons received from paying agents throughout the lifetime of the bond issue; cancelled upon receipt.
Retention: 1 year after maturity if information is contained in a bond register; Permanent, if information is not contained in bond register.

D. Bond Registers and Ledgers
Used to document the redemption of coupons for bonds. Note: Bond registration and redemption transactions may be handled by a bond registration or paying agent.
Retention: Permanent


A*. Budget Records
Final annual budgets (including amendments) and capital improvement projects budget records approved by the governing body.
Retention: Permanent

B. Budget Work Documents
Working papers created for departmental budget requests or proposals, budget change documents (including line item or contingency/reserve fund transfers and supplemental budget requests), budget instructions, encumbrance and expenditure reports, other budget related reports, worksheets, financial projections and similar records used in the budget preparation and decision- making process.
Retention: Non-records, to be retained for Administrative Value. Official budget is retained permanently as ordinance. Reference Schedule 45.120


Retention: Permanent


Records created to document the allocation of costs among accounts and funds of Denver agencies, including records relating to charge backs and other interdepartmental or interfund accounting transactions
Retention: 3 years


Records concerning the use of federal revenue sharing funds by Denver, including revenue and expenditure summaries; status, budget, and audit reports; and other reports or documentation required by federal law or regulation.
Retention: 3 years (by regulation – 31CFR 51.11(b), 51.12(c), and 51.108(a) and (d))


Fee, charge, fine and rate schedules (not including utility rate schedules) and supporting documentation justifying the determination of amounts, i.e., calculations, methodology for establishing comparisons with other cities and counties, projections of revenue based on recommended amounts, etc. See also 30.210.C, Rate Schedules and Supporting Documentation – Utility Billing.
Retention: 2 years after revised


Records relating to escrow accounts, letters of credit, liens, and other forms of financial guarantee required to ensure performance, payments or the completion of certain specified actions, such as the completion of projects, required improvements or the payment of delinquent bills or assessments.
Retention: 1 year after expiration, completion of guaranteed action or release


Records of promissory notes and the supporting documentation to the record.
Retention: 9 years


Records pertaining to the award, operation or termination of a license or franchise granting the right or privilege to construct, operate or maintain upon, over, under or across the streets or alleys a street railway, electric light plant or system, gasworks, gas plant or system, geothermal system, solar energy system, communication or cable television system, or other similar services and the collection of franchise fees or occupation taxes from franchise holders. [General Reference: CRS 31-32-101]
Retention: 6 years after expiration of franchise and completion of all terms and conditions of the franchise, except retain register or other listings of franchises permanently


Special funds that are separate from the General Fund [Reference: County Schedule 5.200]

A. Fund Establishment
Records pertaining to the creations and purposes of special funds that are separate from the General Fund.
Retention: Permanent

B. Trust Fund Records
Documentation of bequests to the county.
Retention: 2 years after trust fund closed

30.120* GRANT RECORDS Files pertaining to applications for grants and the administration, monitoring and status of grants.

Grants To or From Denver

A*. Awarded Grants and Supporting Documentation
Documentation of awarded grants, including grant application, grant contracts and agreements, grant reports and other supporting documentation.
Retention: Duration of grant + 6 years

B*. Rejected Grants and Supporting Documentation
Documentation of grants that are either rejected by the grantee or not awarded.
Retention: 2 years after rejection or withdrawal 

C*. Awarded Grants
Documentation of awarded grants, including grant application, grant contracts and agreements, grant reports and other supporting documentation.
Retention: Duration of grant + 6 years unless longer retention period is required by grantor

D*. Rejected Grants
Documentation of grants applied for and either rejected by the grantor or not accepted.
Retention: 2 years after rejection or withdrawal

E*. Federal Grants to Denver [Reference: 2 CFR Subtitle A §215.53]
Awarded Grants
Financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to an awarded grant to Denver.
Retention: 3 years from date of submission of the final expenditure report [Note: for awards that are renewed quarterly or annually, from the date of the submission of the quarterly or annual financial report.]


Records relating to the creation, assessment and operation of general or special improvement districts established for the purpose of making improvements.
Retention: 7 years after improvement district is terminated or all bonds are paid or cancelled, whichever is later


Records documenting investments.

A. Investment Instruments
Documentation of bank statements, certificates of deposit and registers, money market certificates, savings bonds, stocks and bonds, treasury bills and notes and other investments made.
Retention: 7 years after maturity, final payment or disposition

B*. Reports – Investment of Funds
Retention: 7 years, provided that any contractually required audit has been completed


A*. General Ledger
Year-end summary of receipts and disbursements by account and fund reflecting general financial condition. May include documentation from subsidiary ledgers to general ledger and accounting adjustments in the form of general entries.
Retention: Permanent

B*. Journal Entries
Retention: 7 years

C*.Subsidiary Ledgers and Journals
Daily, monthly, quarterly or year-end transaction detail providing backup documentation to general ledger.
Retention: 3 years


Records of loans entered into by the county or which Denver is a party.

A. Loans Made by Denver
Records of loans made to employees or other parties for various purposes; includes loan applications, deeds of trust, promissory notes and other loan paperwork. Examples of loans: employee housing, employee computer purchases, energy assistance housing rehabilitation, etc.

1. Approved Loans
7 years after loan is paid

2. Rejected or Withdrawn Loans
2 years after rejection or withdrawal

B. Loans to Denver
Loans made to finance public improvements or to meet other financial obligations.

1. Approved Loans
7 years after loan is paid or as specified by lending agency

2. Rejected or Withdrawn Loans
2 years after rejection or withdrawal


Records pertaining to procurement of services or commodities.

A. Purchasing Records in General
Purchasing control forms, such as purchase orders, purchase requisitions, field purchase orders, vouchers, signature authorizations, etc., and competitive bid specifications and solicitations records.
Retention: 7 years

B. Bids
Bids (formal and informal), quotes and proposals regarding services and commodities.

1. Accepted Bids
Received from successful bidders.
Retention: 7 years after acceptance of bid

2. Rejected/Unsuccessful Bids
Received from unsuccessful bidders.
Retention: 3 years after contract is awarded or PO is issued

3. Unsolicited Bids
Received from bidders without solicitation.
Retention: 1 year after submission

C. Vendor Lists
Listings of vendors, including state bid lists, providing goods and services, usually including names, addresses, phone numbers, description of goods or services provided.
Retention: Until superseded or obsolete

D. Vendor Prequalification Records
Records relating to prequalification of vendors eligible to provide goods and services.
Retention: 3 years


Records relating to rebate programs; includes rebate applications, correspondence, and other supporting documentation.
Retention: 2 years after rebate is paid, provided that any contractually required audit is completed.


A*. Colorado Department of Revenue Monthly Revenue Distribution Report
Report includes account number, name, jurisdiction, filing period, source, tax, penalty, interest, distribution and Department of Revenue interest/days.
Retention: 2 years after completion of any contractually required audit

B*. County Treasurer's Reports
Periodic reports of the County Treasurer regarding taxes collected on behalf of Denver, interest and fees.
Retention: 3 years

C*. Property Tax Records
Records pertaining to the property tax assessment, including mill levy certifications to Denver, notices of assessed valuation, abstracts of assessment and registers or listings of property tax assessed.
Retention: Permanent

D*. Real Estate Transfer Tax Records
Retention: Permanent

E*. Sales, Use, Occupational Privilege, Lodger’s, TB, and FDA Tax Records
Records of the collection and administration of excise taxes.

F*. Transaction Log
Including record of Taxpayer’s Application, Return, and daily transaction details
Retention: Permanent through life of tax system

G*. Delinquent Sales/Use Tax Notices, Audits, and Liens/Distraints
Retention: 6 years after settlement for delinquent taxes or after completion of the audit.

H*. Motor Vehicle Sales Tax Receipts
3 years


H*. SPECIFIC OWNERSHIP TAX AND TAX RECORDS [Reference: County Schedule 5.340]
Retention: 7 years


A. Forms 1098 – Mortgage Interest Statements
Used to report mortgage interest of $600 or more received from any individual during the year.
Retention: 3 years

B. Forms 1099R – Reports of Distributions
Used to report distributions from pensions, annuities, retirement or profit-sharing plans, IRAs, insurance contracts (survivor income benefit plans, permanent and total disability payments under life insurance contracts), etc., for each person receiving a distribution of $10 or more.
Retention: 3 years


Records relating to the billing of customers for utility services.

A. Account Records
Records of individual customer accounts, including new service orders, trouble orders, billing statements or invoices, adjustments made to accounts, nonpayment billing notices, turn-off orders, security deposit payment and refund records, meter deposit receipts, meter reading exception reports, meter orders and other account records.
Retention: 3 years after account closed or after account is transferred to another customer

B. Meter Records
Records relating to installation or removal of utility service meters and meter readings for utility service.

1. Meter Books, Data or Sheets
Used to record readings of customer's utility usage for billing purposes and to make data comparisons.
Retention: 3 years [18 CFR 125.3 31; maximum demand and demand meter record cards must be retained for 1 year]

2. Meter Location Records
Until updated

C. Rate Schedules and Supporting Documentation – Utility Billing
Fee and rate schedules and supporting documentation justifying the determination of public utility fees and rates, i.e., calculations, methodology for establishing the fee or rate, comparisons with other cities and counties, projections of revenue based on recommended fees or rates, etc.
Retention: 6 years after published rate sheets and schedules are superseded or no longer used to charge for utility services [18 CFR 125.3 30]


Cross References

Affidavits of publications – 40.020*, Affidavits of Publication

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts

Bonds – 105.040*, Bonds – Public Officials

Cemetery financial records – 10.030, Cemetery Financial Records

Correspondence – Schedule 145*, Correspondence Records

Insurance records – 105.010, Insurance Records

Licenses and permits – Schedule 75, Licenses and Permits

Meter calibration, maintenance and testing – 35.010*, Equipment Records – In General

Payroll records – Schedule 150, Payroll Records

Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation

Property acquisition and sale – 95.010, Acquisition Records

Reports – 40.290, Reports

Rules, regulations and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

General Description: Records documenting the operation of vehicles and equipment.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records pertaining to all types of equipment, mechanisms and systems and their maintenance, inspection and repair history, including fire and water detection alarm systems; heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems; disaster warning systems; elevators; sump pumps; power generators; boilers; measuring and weighing devices; tools; office equipment, recording systems; etc. Documentation includes warranties, operating manuals, calibration and testing records, inspections, vehicle registration certificates, titles, bills of sale, etc.

Retention: Until equipment is no longer under municipal control or life of equipment + 1 year and/or after any contractually required audit, unless another retention period is required by law or specified elsewhere in this Retention Schedule


Records pertaining to fuel usage, including periodic fuel usage reports.

Retention: 2 years


  1. Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports

    Vehicle inspection reports and documentation of corrective actions taken to address defects or deficiencies noted during the inspection done by the driver prior to each operation of a commercial motor vehicle. Note: A legible copy of the last vehicle inspection report is to be carried in the vehicle.

    Retention: 3 months [49 CFR 396.11]

  2. Inspection and Maintenance Documentation
    Records pertaining to maintenance and inspections performed for vehicles and equipment, including those records required by State and federal regulations; includes manufacturer-issued manuals and warranties, inspection reports, vehicle maintenance histories and work orders providing the only available vehicle history. [General Reference: 49 CFR 396.21 requires annual inspection reports of commercial motor vehicles to be retained for 14 months after the inspection where the vehicle is housed or maintained.]

    Retention: Until vehicle or equipment is no longer under municipal control or life of vehicle or equipment + 1 year

  3. Work Orders
    Documentation of requests and authorizations for vehicle and equipment work.

    Retention: 2 years, unless work order provides the only available vehicle history, in which case it should be retained for life of vehicle or equipment + 1 year

Cross References

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts Auction records – 30.030.B, Disposition Records

Communication systems – 55.010, Communication Systems Records Computer systems – 55.020*, Computer System Records Correspondence – Schedule 145*, Correspondence Records

Fire department apparatus – 100.050*.B, Apparatus Inspection Records Insurance – 105.010, Insurance Records

Inventories – 30.030.C, Inventories

Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation Purchasing – 30.170*, Purchasing Records

Reports – 40.290, Reports

Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012
Updated: November 1, 2024

General Description: This schedule addresses common records that are found across the organization, such, as agreements and contracts or project records.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records of formal administrative proceedings conducted by staff or an administrative hearing officer (possibly subject to appeal to the governing body or the courts) to make administrative rulings or determinations regarding a variety of matters (examples: sales tax exemptions, nuisance abatement's, storm water appeals, minor personnel matters not otherwise covered by the retention manual).
Retention: 3 years after proceeding concludes, provided that all rights of appeal have expired


Proof of publication provided by newspapers regarding legal publications. Affidavits of publication are also sometimes known as "legals" or "proofs."

  1. Affidavits of Publication – Ordinances
    Affidavits of publication of ordinances of a general or permanent nature and those imposing any fine, penalty or forfeiture.
    Retention: 6 years or until ordinance is repealed or reenacted, whichever is later, or until ordinance is published and effective

  2. Other Affidavits of Publication
    Affidavits of publication other than those relating to ordinances.
    Retention: 6 years


Agreements and contracts of various kinds that document some form of agreement that is enforceable by law, including but not limited to intergovernmental agreements, memorandum of understanding, franchise agreements, lease agreements, professional services agreements,

vendors and concession agreements, facility and park usage agreements, etc. but not including agreements/contracts relating to activities and events having a duration of less than one (1) year.

See also 40.230*. A and 40.230*. F., Activities and Events – Short-Term Agreements, Contracts and Supporting Documentation.

  1. Regular Agreements and Contracts
    Service contracts, construction contracts, mortgage agreements and other general agreements with a termination date.
    Retention: 10 years after expiration, fulfillment of all terms of agreement/ contract or resolution of any disputes, whichever is later, provided that any contractually required audit has been completed and agreement or contract no longer has any binding effect; except prior to destruction, evaluate for continuing legal, administrative or historical value.

  2. Longer Term Agreements and Contracts
    Agreements and contracts which need to be held for longer than 10 years after expiration as determined by contract administrators or the City Attorney. This includes agreements for donations, agreements with contingencies, or anything with right of first refusal.
    Retention: 20 years after expiration, fulfillment of all terms of agreement/ contract or resolution of any disputes, whichever is later, provided that any contractually required audit has been completed and agreement or contract no longer has any binding effect; except prior to destruction, evaluate for continuing legal, administrative or historical value.

  3. Permanent and Historical Agreements and Contracts
    Intergovernmental agreements, real estate agreements, contracts deemed to be historical.
    Retention: Permanent.


Awards and honors received from various public or private sources.
Retention: Until no longer useful


Records for routine planning and scheduling of meetings, appointments and similar activities; includes calendars, appointment books, diaries and similar records with routine content.
Retention: Until no longer needed for reference


  1. Charter Proceedings
    Records relating to the adoption, amendment or repeal of Home Rule Charters or provisions of the Charter, including records of Charter conventions, and not including Charter initiative petitions.
    Retention: Permanent

  2. Charters – Published
    Governing documents for Home Rule Municipalities published separately or as part of the municipal code book.
    Retention: Permanent [Important Note: Charters are considered to be essential City and County records, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in electronic format.]


  1. Codes Adopted by Reference
    Includes model traffic code, uniform and international building and construction codes, fire codes and supplements to such codes, and other similar codes adopted by ordinance.
    Retention: Permanent

  2. Codifications/Supplements
    All compilations of ordinances codified into a Municipal Code book and all supplements containing amendments to the initially adopted Code.
    Retention: Permanent


Records of committees, task forces or similar groups composed of members of the staff that meet on an ongoing basis or that are set up for specific purposes. Examples include management teams, technology teams, policy teams, employee safety committees, budget strategy teams, etc.

  1. Ongoing Committees
    Retention: 3 years, provided that records have no enduring value

  2. Special Committees
    Retention: Until work of committee concludes, provided that records have no enduring value


Communications that convey objections, dissatisfaction or disagreement with actions or positions taken or not taken; routine requests for service or information; and petitions with no legal effect that are submitted to express the opinions of the signers.
Retention: 2 years after response or action or 2 years if no response or action is required


Records related to written citations that are non-criminal tickets issued to individuals who do not correct violations of the City code. This includes parking tickets, Animal Citations, Restaurant Inspection Citations, Noise ordinance violation citation, Air ordinance violation citation, etc.
Retention: 4 years from date of issuance


Records pertaining to promotion and organization of special and historic community events or celebrations in which Denver has a role, such as festivals, fairs, rodeos, 4th of July celebrations, pioneer days, holiday display lighting, etc.
Retention: 2 years after event concludes


Records such as meeting agendas and minutes, studies and reports and other material provided for courtesy or informational purposes from associations, organizations, groups and agencies that are not part of Denver, but which have some form of association or relationship with Denver.
Retention: Until no longer needed

40.130 FORMS – BLANK

Blank forms are not considered to be records and should be separated from the records.However, a master forms file may be maintained to track the evolution of the form and instructions regarding use of the form. See Appendix A
Retention: Until superseded, except retain 1 copy permanently if master forms file is maintained


Records of a general housekeeping nature that do not relate directly to the primary program responsibility of the office. Includes records such as charity fund drives, office parties, copies of custodial service requests, parking space assignments, telephone and fax logs, etc.
Retention: Until no longer needed for reference


Records relating to copyrights, trademarks, service marks, seals, logos, taglines and other similar intellectual property. Note: These record types refer to Denver’s intellectual property records. Other intellectual property records relating to its sponsors should be retained according to the contract retention requirements.
Retention: Permanent


Records such as review copies of proposed or adopted state or federal bills, legislation or regulations, notices of proposed rulemaking by federal or state agencies, etc.
Retention: Until no longer needed for reference


  1. Envelopes
    Envelopes that contained communications.
    Retention: Dispose of immediately, unless needed as documentation of mailing and receipt dates

  2. Mailing Record
    Documentation of mailing dates, content of mailings, mailing and distribution lists for specific mailings; certified or registered mail return receipts; etc.
    Retention: 2 years

  3. Meeting Notification Lists
    Listings of persons who, within the previous 2 years, have requested advance notification of all meetings or meetings with specific content. [CRS 24-6-402(7)]
    Retention: Until updated

  4. Undeliverable Mailings
    Mailings (excluding mailed ballots) returned as undeliverable.
    Retention: 1 year after matter referenced in mailing is concluded

  5. Meter and permit usage records
    Retention: 1 year


Final versions of architectural, cartographic, or other visual representations, such as maps, drawings, renderings, charts, photo-maps, field survey notes, architectural and engineering drawings; "as built" drawings of facilities; plats and plans; boundary maps, zoning district maps; USGS topographical maps of the area; other similar documents; and indexes or other finding aids.
Retention: Permanent


Maps that are acquired from external sources and are used for reference and informational purposes, such as county maps.
Retention: Until superseded or no longer needed for reference

40.193 Memberships [Reference County Schedule 7.200]

Records of memberships that are paid for by the district for district officials, employees or the district as an organization in professional associations and organizations such as the County Association of Colorado, the Association of Records Managers and Administrators, the Colorado State Fire Chiefs Association, and similar professional or special district associations and organizations.
Retention: 2 years


Formal requests for records submitted in accordance with state law and supporting documentation relating to the response to or denial of the request.
Retention: 1 year after request is answered


Records that document the incorporation of Denver or statutory or home rule status, reorganization studies and similar information about organizational structure or legal status.
Retention: Permanent [Important Note: Incorporation papers are considered to be essential Denver records, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in paper format.]


Written directives, instructions, rules and guidelines documenting policies and procedures, including departmental or organization-wide directives or orders, policy or operations manuals, instruction manuals, handbooks and memoranda setting out responsibilities and guidelines or outlining policies and procedures.

  1. Clerical or Other Routine Manuals
    Retention: 2 years after superseded or obsolete

  2. Policies and Procedures and Supporting Documentation
    Documentation, including written materials such as personnel policy manuals and standard operating procedures, that have value in determining current and past policies or procedures in liability cases, personnel disputes, and other circumstances; includes supporting documentation relating to the development, formulation, establishment, rationale, approval and implementation of such policies and procedures.
    Retention: Until superseded + 5 years except retain permanently on historical and vital value


Records pertaining to program development and ongoing or special events or activities held at facilities.

  1. Activities and Events – Short-Term Agreements, Contracts and Supporting Documentation
    Contracts, agreements and supporting documentation relating to entertainment, sporting events, performances, shows, displays of artwork, room rentals, equipment rentals and similar activities and events that have a duration of less than one (1) year.
    Retention: 2 years after activity or event, provided that any contractually required audit has been completed

  2. Facility and Program Use Records
    Records relating to registration and admission to programs conducted by Denver, annual or seasonal passes for recreational programs, program, and event descriptions, etc.
    Retention: 2 years after use, provided that any contractually required audit has been completed

  3. Liability Waivers
    Forms signed by program participants to release Denver from any liability related to various activities.
    Retention: 3 years

  4. Incident Reports
    Reports of incidents that may happen during the course of programs, events, activities, etc., that are exceptions to the normal course of business, such as rescue, accident or injury incident reports.
    Retention: 3 years

  5. Program Development Records
    I*) Records with long-term value documenting the establishment, evolution and rationale for programs. Examples of "programs" include transmission line undergrounding program, neighborhood watch program, energy efficiency program, graffiti removal program, spring clean-up program, pothole patrol program, sister city program and similar coordinated activities.
    Retention: Permanent
    II*) Records documenting the planning, development, implementation, administration and evaluation of in-house programs.
    Retention: 3 years

  6. Work of Art and Other Copyrighted Material
    A contract indicating City’s ownership or interest in a work of art or other copyrighted material that was created (fixed in tangible form for the first time) on or after January 1, 1978.
    Retention: Author’s life plus an additional 70 years after the author’s death. In the case of “a joint work prepared by two or more authors who did not work for hire,” the retention period is 70 years after the last surviving author’s death. For works made for hire, and for anonymous and pseudonymous works (unless the author’s identity is revealed in Copyright Office records), the retention period is 95 years from publication or 120 years from creation, whichever is shorter. Speak with CAO to determine retention period for contracts pertaining to copyrighted material created before 1978 but generally the retention period is expected to be 70 years at a minimum.

  7. Local Program Records

    Records documenting the use and expenditure of City allocated general funds to administer and facilitate any program(s) that are not defined elsewhere in this general records retention schedule, and that are not subject to other regulatory ordinances or statutes. This includes but is not limited to programs administered by Climate Action, Sustainability & Resiliency, Denver Human Services, The Department of Housing and Stability, The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, Department of Safety, The Mayor’s Office, Denver's Department of Public Health and Environment, The Office of Special Events, The Department of Parks and Recreation, The Office of Children’s Affairs, Etc. The records and data that is covered by this retention schedule includes but is not limited to Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Protected Health Information (PHI), applications, receipts, daily logs, reports (excluding high level aggregate or anonymized data and dashboard reports, metadata, Etc.)
    Local program data is to be retained in its entirety by the originating and custodial agency only and not to be duplicated or shared for cross agency coordination, cross agency program development, or joint operations without documented consent of the individual.
    Retention: 90 days after collection of data


40.240 *NON-O&M Project Files

  1. Non-O&M (Operational and Maintenance) Project Files
    Records of non-operational and -maintenance projects such as capital projects, professional services relating to capital improvements and projects relating to the design, engineering, construction, major repair, renovation or demolition of structures, buildings, facilities, bridges, streets and roadways, utility system features, public works, parks, stormwater and storm drainage facilities, dams and reservoirs, other water projects, fiber optics and communication structures and other infrastructure. Project files may include documentation such as final project reports, specifications and contract documents, certificates of insurance, project-related permits and licenses issued by other entities, notices to proceed and of final settlement, project pay estimates, change orders and general documentation. [General Reference: CRS 24-16-105; project cost records are to be retained for 6 years after project completion.]
    Retention: 8 years after project completion, except that routine material may be purged when eligible for destruction under this Retention Schedule and except that, prior to destruction, records must be evaluated for continuing legal, administrative, or historical value. [NOTE: Records with facility maintenance value as determined by record custodian should be kept for the life of facility. Records include but are not limited to the final record drawings, system schematics, shop drawings, diagrams showing layouts, designs, plans, patterns and configuration for systems and equipment; engineering studies, plans and reports; maps, diagrams, profiles, photographs, drawings and supporting documentation showing locations of utility production, transmission and distribution facilities as constructed or as proposed; soil condition reports; survey field books documenting survey methodologies and activities; topographic surveys; and similar records.]

  2. Project Bonds
    1. Labor and Materials Bonds
      Surety or other types of bonds received from contractors to guarantee payment by the contractor to workers, subcontractors, and suppliers.
      Retention: 6 years after expiration or project completion, whichever is later

    2. Performance and Payment Bonds
      Surety or other types of bonds received from contractors to guarantee performance and payments for projects.
      Retention: 2 years after expiration of warranty period or project completion, whichever is later
  3. Project Control Files
    Contain routine memoranda, preliminary reports and other general documentation and records documenting assignments and the progress of projects. Note: Does not include final reports, which are to be retained as part of the project file (see above).
    Retention: 1 year after project is closed

40.241* O&M (Operational and Maintenance) Project Files

  1. Operational and Maintenance Projects
    Records relating to operational and maintenance "projects" that do not relate to capital improvements, i.e., these would typically be working files documenting an activity, plan, program, assignment, new undertaking, etc. Records of projects, goods and services acquired relating to operational and maintenance improvements to assets of Denver;design, engineering, construction, repair and/or maintenance of Denver owned buildings, facilities, roadways, utilities, public works and other infrastructure. Project files may include documentation such as final project reports, specifications and contract documents, notices to proceed and of final settlement, project pay estimates, change orders and correspondence and general documentation.
    Retention: 3 years after project completion, provided there is no legal or administrative value. [NOTE: Records with facility maintenance value as determined by record custodian should be kept for the life of facility. Records include but are not limited to the final record drawings, system schematics, shop drawings, diagrams showing layouts, designs, plans, patterns and configuration for systems and equipment; engineering studies, plans and reports; maps, diagrams, profiles, photographs, drawings and supporting documentation showing locations of utility production, transmission and distribution facilities as constructed or as proposed; soil condition reports; survey field books documenting survey methodologies and activities; topographic surveys; and similar records.]

  2. Project Bonds
    1. Labor and Materials Bonds
      Surety or other types of bonds received from contractors to guarantee payment by the contractor to workers, subcontractors, and suppliers.
      Retention: 6 years after expiration or project completion, whichever is later

    2. Performance and Payment Bonds
      Surety or other types of bonds received from contractors to guarantee performance and payments for district projects.
      Retention: 2 years after expiration of warranty period or project completion, whichever is later

  3. Project Control Files
    Contain routine memoranda, preliminary reports, and other general documentation and records documenting assignments and the progress of projects. Note: Does not include final reports, which are to be retained as part of the project file (see above).
    Retention: 1 year after project is closed


  1. A. Lobbying Records
    Records of official positions and lobbying efforts with regard to state or federal legislation or ballot measures, lobbyist registrations, City and County agencies’ written reviews, analyses or positions regarding legislation or regulations, etc.
    Retention: 4 years, except that resolutions adopting legislative positions are permanent

  2. News Releases
    1. Releases – Policy or Historical Value
      Prepared statements or announcements issued to the news media announcing events, new programs, program changes or termination, major shifts in policy and changes in officials or senior administrative personnel.
      Retention: 3 years after publication

    2. Releases – Routine
      Prepared statements or announcements of routine events, activities, etc.
      Retention: Retain for so long as Administrative Value

  3. Speeches and Public Comments
    Recorded speeches, addresses, and comments of public officials representing Denver at public venues, such as state of the city addresses. Includes only those with significant historical value, in any format, including paper, videotape, motion picture or tape recordings.
    Retention: Permanent


Material that has long-term historical or research value produced for wide internal or external distribution, including annual reports, brochures, pamphlets, leaflets, newsletters, instructional materials and similar materials.
Retention: Permanent


Manual or automated indexes, lists, registers and other finding aids designed to make it easier to locate pertinent files or information.
Retention: Life of the record for which the finding aid is designed to facilitate use and retrieval


  1. PLANS AND POLICY DOCUMENTS See also Schedule 40.220*
    Plans and similar documents establishing the policies and procedures under which a records management program operates.
    Retention: Until superseded + 5 years

    List of inventories of the active and inactive records created or received by a Denver agency.
    Retention: Until superseded

    Records relating to the General Records Retention Schedules and other internal quality control audit schedules including all successive versions of and amendments to schedules).
    Retention: Permanent

    Records documenting the destruction of records under records control schedules.
    Retention: Permanent

40.290 REPORTS

Written reports regarding operations or activities.

  1. Annual Reports
    Summary annual reports on primary activities and accomplishments for the previous year; may include statistics, narrative reports, graphs, and diagrams.
    Retention: Permanent

  2. Daily Reports
    Reports documenting daily activities.
    Retention: 2 years

  3. Monthly Reports
    Reports on activities and accomplishments for the previous month.
    Retention: 2 years

  4. Quarterly Reports
    Reports on activities and accomplishments for the previous three months.
    Retention: 3 years

  5. Weekly Reports
    Reports on activities and accomplishments for the previous week.
    Retention: 2 years


Authorizations for the retention or disposition of records issued by the Records Management Committee and the Records Manager and certificates or other records of authorized destruction of records.
Retention: Permanent


Documentation of rules, regulations, standards and similar guidelines and requirements. Examples include building regulations and standards, subdivision and zoning regulations, cemetery rules and regulations, streets-cape standards, street and sidewalk construction standards, water and sewer line installation standards, mobile home standards, etc.
Retention: Permanent


Records pertaining to water, sanitation, flood control, urban drainage, metropolitan, airport, library, museum, fire, ambulance and other special districts that provide services, including service area plans, boundary maps, service agreements, intergovernmental agreements, memoranda of understanding, other agreements and contracts, and supporting documentation.
Retention: 6 years after agreement no longer has any binding effect, then evaluate for continuing value prior to destruction


Documents providing detailed examinations of specific topics of interest to Denver. Examples include feasibility studies, planning and land use studies, basin plans, capital projects reports, transportation system plans, master street plans and similar documents that have long-term reference or historical value. Studies, plans and reports prepared by or on behalf of other entities, and which include information of interest to Denver, should be evaluated for long-term reference or historical value.
Retention: Permanent


  1. Compilations
    Retention: Permanent

  2. Survey Responses
    2 years after compilation is complete


Assignment logs, authorizations, and similar records relating to the assignment and use of government-owned vehicles by employees.
Retention: 2 years


Records related to written notification to public informing them of an unlawful transgression on their part. This includes Notice of Violation, Notice to License, etc.
Retention: 3 years from date of issuance

Cross References

Electronic records – 55.040*, Electronic Records in General

Information technology projects – 55.060, Project Records– Information Technology and Communication Systems Licenses and permits – Schedule 75, Licenses and Permits

Minutes – 20.060*, Minutes and Supporting Documentation; 45.090*,Minutes and Supporting Documentation News clippings – 50.050*, Newspapers and News Clippings – Local; 50.080, Scrapbooks

Cross References

Electronic records– 55.040*, Electronic Records in General

Information technology projects – 55.060, Project Records – Information Technology and Communication Systems Licenses and permits – Schedule 75, Licenses and Permits

Minutes – 20.060*, Minutes and Supporting Documentation; 45.090*, Minutes and Supporting Documentation News clippings – 50.050*, Newspapers and News Clippings – Local; 50.080, Scrapbooks

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

General Description: Records regarding the composition, operation, proceedings, and enactments of the governing body (Board of Trustees, City and County agencies or City Council).

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and usable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Listings showing date, time and locations of official meetings and agenda order of items to be discussed. Supporting documentation includes material such as agenda item summaries and documentation explaining the rationale for staff recommendations, presenting financial or background information or the history of agenda items.

Retention: Permanent for governing body and quasi-judicial entities and 2 years for other entities


Applications and other documentation regarding the filling of interim governing body vacancies by appointment.

Retention: 2 years after term of appointment ends

45.030 BYLAWS

Documents adopted by the governing body to set out guidelines regarding operation of the governing body.

Retention: Permanent


Records of ongoing and ad hoc committees made up of only governing body members. Examples of committees include finance or budget committee, ethics committee, legislative affairs committee, etc.

Retention: Follow retention periods set forth for comparable records of governing body (i.e., agendas, minutes, notices of meetings, recordings, etc.)


Formally adopted strategic plans or policy agendas.

Retention: Permanent


Records of the governing body constituted and convened as another decision-making body, such as the Board of Directors of a general improvement district, the Enterprise Board of Directors for a water or wastewater utility enterprise, a Housing Authority, an Urban Renewal Authority, etc.

Retention: Follow retention periods set forth for comparable records of governing body (i.e., agendas, minutes, notices of meetings, recordings, etc.)


Listings of individuals appointed or elected to the governing body or as Mayor, dates of service, last known address, and similar information.

Retention: Permanent for cumulative lists; until superseded for lists of current members


  1. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statements
    See Schedule 90.040*

  2. Councilmember Files
    Files documenting the service dates of members of the governing body, including appointments to various committees and bodies, resignations, facsimile signature certificates (if any), etc.


  3. Financial Disclosure Statements
    Statements of financial interest filed by members of the governing body.

    2 years after service ends

  4. Oaths of Office
    Oaths of office taken and subscribed to by elected or appointed officials at the time of assuming office. [CRS 31-4-401]

    2 years after term expires


  1. Official record of the proceedings of the governing body and its entities
    The official record of proceedings of meetings and all supporting documentation of a substantive nature such as exhibits referenced in the minutes.

    Retention: Permanent, provided that routine material submitted at meetings may be destroyed after 2 years as long as summary description is included in the minutes [Important Note: Minutes of the governing body are considered to be essential Denver records, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in electronic format.]


Handwritten or other notes made at meetings to facilitate meeting follow-up or the preparation of meeting minutes.

Retention: Until meeting minutes are approved


Documentation of compliance with laws requiring posting, mailing, publication, or other distribution of public notice of meetings.

Retention: 2 years

Legislative enactments of the governing body adopted to enact a Denver law, amend the municipal code or take other legislative actions such as annexing property, appropriating funds, vacating streets, etc.; supporting documentation includes agenda item summaries and other documentation explaining the rationale for staff recommendations or presenting financial or background information or the history of the ordinance.

Retention: Permanent


Petitions from the public to the governing body or subsidiary boards or commissions of Denver.

Retention: 3 years after submission [CRS 1-40-133, applies to initiative and referendum only. Retention does not include petitions noted elsewhere in this or other commission schedules or a petition presented to commissioner’s court that state law requires a county clerk to record.]


Documents issued by the Mayor to proclaim support for municipal or community events, activities, programs or in connection with dedications or other ceremonial occasions, etc.

Retention: Permanent


Audio or video recordings of official meetings used to prepare minutes or transcripts of the meeting.

  1. Executive Sessions [CRS 24-6-402(2)(d.5)(II)(E)]

    90 days after approval of minutes by the governing body or 2 years for meetings in which vote are not made and written minutes are not required by law.

  2. Open Meetings

    6 months after approval of minutes

  3. Study Sessions

    6 months after meeting


Records of removal of members from office for cause by majority vote of the governing body, including hearing notices, correspondence, transcripts of proceedings, findings and records relating to any follow-up proceedings. [CRS 31-4-307]

Retention: 3 years after removal vote, provided that findings are recorded in the minutes


Enactments of the governing body which are not legislative in nature and which may be used for various types of approvals, policy statements, statements of position and similar actions; supporting documentation includes agenda item summaries and other documentation explaining the rationale for staff recommendations or presenting financial or background information or the history of the resolution.

Retention: Permanent

Cross References

Correspondence – Schedule 145, Correspondence Records

Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation Rules, regulations, and standards– 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

General Description: Records that have historical importance as documentation and evidence of the origins and evolution of Denver and its community and records that have value beyond their original reasons for creation.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records relating to archaeological and historical sites.

Retention: Permanent [Important Note: It is recommended that the "record" copy of historical records be retained in paper format.]


Records relating from 2007 when Denver’s citizens passed the ballot initiatives that established the Better Denver Bond Program, bond financing and to the completion of all related projects.

    Records relating to the program initiatives, establishment of the Infrastructure Task Force, task force’s studies, recommendations and reports. Include also documentations from the General Obligation Bonds, bond proposals, ballot initiatives, program goals and priorities, quarterly reports, public events and meetings records, news and media, website maintenance, etc.

    Retention: Permanent

    Records of bond projects to improve, preserve, and renovate Records of bond projects to improve, preserve, and renovate: 1) Public Office Facilities, 2) Deferred Maintenance of Cultural Facilities, 3) Health and Human Services Facilities, 4) Parks System Facilities, 5) Public Safety Facilities, 6) Streets and Transportation and Public Works Facilities, 7) Libraries, and 8) New Construction of Cultural Facilities. Projects records relating to the design, engineering, construction, major repair, renovation or demolition of structures, buildings, facilities, streets and roadways and communication structures and other infrastructure. Project files may include a collection of documentation such as final project reports, specifications and contract documents, certificates of insurance, project-related permits and licenses issued by other entities, notices to proceed and of final settlement, project pay estimates, change orders, project maps, progress reports, and general documentation.



Narrative histories of Denver and its community prepared for reference and informational purposes.

Retention: Permanent [Important Note: It is recommended that the "record" copy of historical records be retained in paper format.]


Significant historical records(often fragmentary) of early community groups, businesses and prominent individuals.

Retention: Permanent [Important Note: It is recommended that the "record" copy of historical records be retained in paper format.]


Records relating to Denver, state or federal historic designations for buildings, structures or districts and preservation of historic structures. Includes records relating to approved state tax credits for historic properties, historical structure or district surveys, historical designation applications whether approved or not approved, historic designation research files, drawings, etc. [NOTE: The records, stored on-site at CPD for 3 years, will be transferred to the Denver Public Library Western History for permanent retention.]

Retention: Permanent


Newspapers or news clippings that have been preserved for reference or informational purposes.

Retention: Permanent for photographs, records, and other non-textual media with historical value. Other non-record photographs and other non-textual media should be retained for so long as needed and treated as Administrative Value.

50.51 *PLANNING,DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECT FILES [This record belongs to the Planning, Design and Construction Division at the Denver Parks and Recreations Department]

Records of capital projects of planning and improvements to new and existing parks and recreations centers, professional services relating to capital improvements and projects relating to the design, engineering, construction, major repair, renovation of parks and recreations centers. Project files may include documentation such as final project reports, specifications, plans and contract documents, certificates of insurance, project-related permits and licenses issued by other entities, notices to proceed and of final settlement, project pay estimates, change orders and general documentation and critical communications correspondence. See below note.

Note: Denver Parks& Recreations and Denver Public Library Western History are the joint records custodian on these types of records.


Photographs, negatives, prints, digital images, slides, archival slide shows with sound tracks, videos and motion pictures of historical interest.

Retention: Permanent [Important Note: It is recommended that the "record" copy of historical records be retained in the original format.]


Records relating to the establishing, on-going and decision-making of the Public Art Committee, including agendas, minutes, commission notes, etc.

Retention: Permanent


Records relating to public art project information, history, budget and financials. Including project selection panel information, notes on selection process, contract with artist(s), selected and not selected presentations/proposals, engineering documentation, timelines/schedules, essential communications with artists on legal, budget, maintenance or engineering matters, dedication information, photo documentation, press and media, etc.

Retention: Permanent


The Denver (or other) records of any type dated prior to 1900 that may have historical or archival value.

Retention: Permanent if determined to have historical or archival value [Important Note: It is recommended that the "record" copy of historical records be retained in paper format.]


Collections of photographs, newspaper clippings and other items pertaining to Denver in a scrapbook or album.

Retention: Permanent [Important Note: It is recommended that the "record" copy of historical records be retained in paper format.]

Cross References

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts Correspondence – Schedule 145 Correspondence Records

Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation

Reports – 40.290, Reports Rules, regulations and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

Updated: November 13, 2019

General Description: Records relating to computer, information technology and communication systems operations.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and usable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records relating to telephone, radio transmission, pager and other communication systems.

  1. Call Detail and Telephone Usage Records
    Records of outgoing calls.
    2 years or until system capacity is exceeded

  2. Communication Sites Records
    Records of sites used for installation of communication system infrastructure such as communication towers.
    Retention: Until site is no longer under Denver’s jurisdiction or no longer serves a communication system purpose

  3. Licenses – Communication Systems
    Licenses issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or other agencies for television or radio system and other communication system operations and supporting documentation.
    1 year after expiration of license

  4. System Management Records – Communication Systems
    Relating to creation, modification and disposition of communication systems, including: acquisition and installation records, equipment records, FCC records, maintenance contracts (copies), repair order forms, service orders, system planning records, etc.
    Life of system+ 1 year

  5. User Data - Communication Systems
    Includes the following types of electronic data: cap codes, electronic records of users, extension and pager numbers, service providers, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) user records, etc.
    Retention: Until superseded


Records pertaining to the installation and operation of computer systems and software.

  1. Access Control and Security Records
    Records required to establish and maintain computer security, including: access requests, authorizations, encryption keys, journals, password documentation, reports, system access logs and other access control records.
    1. System Access Logs
      6 months

    2. Vulnerability Management Records
      Including but not limited to asset discovery, vulnerability scans, vulnerability assessment, prioritization, remediation planning and execution, verification, and reporting 
      Delete after 1 year 

    3. All Other Access Control/Security Records
      Delete when no longer administratively useful

  2. Computer Audit Reports
    Completed to determine compliance with policies relating to software and electronic records management.
    Until subsequent audit is completed

  3. Computer Backup Records
    1. Computer Backup Documentation
      Documentation related to how and when regular computer records backups are completed.
      1 year after superseded or obsolete

    2. Computer Contingency Backups
      Records recorded on electronic media consisting of copies of programs or instructions necessary to retrieve copied information and data identical in physical format to a master file or database and retained in case the master file or database is damaged or inadvertently erased.
      Retain off-site until replaced or superseded

  4. Computer Hardware and Software Documentation
    Written documentation necessary to operate computer equipment or programs and to access or retrieve stored information or data. Documentation may be in paper or electronic formats and may include: application blue books, flowcharts, hardware specifications, maintenance requirements, operation and user manuals, system change records, license agreements (copies), “gold” copies of software, records of rights to use customized software, source codes, etc.
    Until computer equipment or software is no longer used or needed to retrieve or store data

  5. Computer System Maintenance Records
    Documentation of maintenance of computer systems and components needed to ensure compliance with warranties or service contracts, schedule regular maintenance and diagnose system or component problems. Includes: component maintenance records, computer equipment inventories, failure logs, hardware performance reports, invoices (copies),maintenance contracts (copies), warranties, etc.
    Life of system or component + 1 year

  6. Computer System Program Records
    Documentation pertaining to development, installation, modification, troubleshooting, operation and removal of software from computer systems; records required to plan, develop, operate, maintain and use electronic records; and technical specifications, file specifications, code books, record layouts, flowcharts, job control language, operating instructions, user guides, system overviews, output specifications, migration plans and other records pertaining to systems operations.
    Until superseded or no longer needed to retrieve or read data and information that is stored electronically

  7. Computer System Test Records
    Electronic files or reports created in the monitoring and testing of system quality and performance, as well as related documents for the electronic files/records.
    Delete or destroy when no longer administratively useful

  8. Network and Fiber Optics Records
    Documentation of the wiring of the computer network system, including blueprints, diagrams and drawings of layout and installations of fiber optics, computer networks, cables, computer equipment connections and similar documentation.
    Until superseded

  9. System Usage Records
    Electronic files created to monitor system usage, including log-in files, audit trail files, cost-back files used to assess charges for system use, system-created or vendor-originated logs documenting various aspects of information technology systems operations.
    Until system capacity is exceeded or where no longer administratively useful except for Human Resources audit trail records to be retained until audit requirements are met.


Documents the protection and reestablishment of data processing services and equipment in case of a disaster; includes: checklists, emergency contact information and procedures.
Retention: Until superseded by revised plan


Computer-generated and -maintained records in electronic formats retained for record keeping purposes, including the following examples: digital recordings – audio and video; e-mail messages and attachments; imaged records; databases and spreadsheets; word processing files; recorded video conferences; digital photographs; geographic information systems data-sets; and other records retained in electronic format.

  1. Electronic Records(Copies) Retained Solely for Convenience
    Until no longer needed, provided that definitive or record copy of record is retained for applicable retention period, except that metadata need not be preserved.

  2. B*. Electronic Records Retained for Record keeping Purposes
    Based on content, retain for retention period for specific type of record; i.e., electronic records have same retention periods as paper or microfilm records with same content, except that metadata need not be preserved.


Diagrams of computer systems and associated narrative information explaining the locations and context of the information stored within the computer systems, used for electronic discovery purposes.Retention: Until superseded


Project records relating to the planning, development, design, selection, acquisition, installation, modification, conversion, upgrade and replacement of communications, computer and information systems technology; project files may include: analyses, assessments, evaluations, reports and studies; copies of contracts, proposals, invoices, project bonds, purchase orders and vendor literature; correspondence and project notes; project charters, plans, planning and development records, project team and vendor meeting records; user requirements, specifications, drawings, standards, architecture and design; quality assurance testing reports, statistics and coverage requirements; issues logs; and other project records and documentation.

  1. Implemented Systems
    Retention: 6 years after replacement of information system or communication infrastructure; except prior to destruction, evaluate for continuing legal, administrative, or historical value

  2. Systems not implemented
    3 years


  1. Programming Records
    Scheduling and programming records for the television system.
    Retention: 2 years, then retain until no longer needed for reference

  2. Television System Records
    Records relating to the operation and maintenance of the television system technology. See also 55.010.C, Licenses– Communication Systems.
    Life of system+ 1 year


A group of Worldwide Web or internal web pages containing hyperlinks to each other and made available online for responding to public inquiries and providing information.

  1. Access Reports – Web Pages
    Reports tracking hits to the website or intranet.
    Retention: 2 years

  2. Development and Evolution Records– Web Pages
  3. Documentation of development and changes to the website or intranet web pages.
    1. Web Pages and Related Scripts– Internet and Extranet – Home Pages and Indexes
      10 years for superseded pages and 2 years for informational only pages

    2. Intranet Web Pages Designed for Internal Access to Information
      Delete when no longer useful

  4. Page Design Records – Web Pages
    Style guide for web page design.
    Until superseded or until no longer needed for reference

  5. Use Tracking Logs – Website and Intranet
    Electronic logs for tracking websites visited by internal sources.
    Retention: 2 years

Cross References:

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts

Communication tower permits–75.020*.F, Permits Issued by the City and County of Denver

Correspondence – Schedule 145, Correspondence Records

Inventories – 30.030*. C, Inventories

Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation

Reports – 40.290, Reports

Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

Updated: July 19, 2017

General Description: Records pertaining to basic infrastructure and underlying public works services and systems.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and usable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records relating to the provision of electric service. Note: NERC refers to the North American Electric Reliability Council.

  1. Critical Asset Records
    Lists of identified critical assets and documentation of the risk-based assessment methodology used to determine critical assets.

    2 years, in addition to records of last audit[NERC CIP-002-3]

  2. Dispatch and Scheduling Records
    1. Daily Dispatch Logs
      Retention: 3 years [NERC IRO-004-2]
    2. Disturbance Records
      Records relating to outages, surges, etc.
      1. Disturbance Data and Audits
        3 years[NERC PRC-018-1]

      2. Final Disturbance Report
        7 years, then evaluate for continuing value
    3. Operating Procedures
      Written operating procedures for real-time actions to be taken during normal and emergency conditions to ensure stable and reliable operation of bulk electric system.

      Permanent [NERC PER-001-0.1]

    4. Special or Periodic Reports and Risk Assessment on Service Interruptions
      3 years [NERC IRO-004-2]

    5. System Operating Logs
      3 years [NERC IRO-004-2]
  3. Energy Efficiency Program Records
    Records relating to services provided to customers under energy efficiency or conservation programs; includes applications, agreements, review reports, correspondence, data collection records, spreadsheets, etc.

    4 years after expiration [18 CFR 125.3.29]

  4. Engineering Records and Supporting Documentation
    Final as-built drawings, system schematics, shop drawings, diagrams showing layouts, designs, plans, patterns and configuration for systems and equipment; engineering studies, plans and reports; maps, diagrams, profiles, photographs, drawings and supporting documentation showing locations of utility production, transmission and distribution facilities as constructed or as proposed; soil condition reports; survey field books documenting survey methodologies and activities; topographic surveys; and similar records.

    Life of facility [18 CFR 125.2,18 CFR 125.3.21]

  5. Maintenance Work Orders
    Cost estimates, work order sheets, summaries of expenditures on maintenance, job orders and clearances.

    5 years [18 CFR 125.3.15]

  6. Power System Accounting and Billing Records
    1. Deviation Reports– Summaries of System Changes
      3 years [NERC IRO-004-2]

    2. OASIS (Open Access Same-Time Information System)Records
      1. Audit Data
        Data relating to OASIS postings for available transmission capability (ATC) and total transmission capability (TTC), agreed-upon transmission service transactions, agreed-upon ancillary service transactions, denied requests for transmission service and curtailed or interrupted transactions.

        Must be made publicly available upon request for download for 5 years from date posted, in same electronic form used when originally posted on OASIS [18 CFR 37.7(b)]

      2. Data Used to Calculate ATC and TTC
        Calculated for any constrained posted paths, including limiting element(s) and the cause of the limit; e.g., thermal, voltage, stability.

        6 months [18 CFR 37.6(b)(2)(ii), NERC IRO-004-2]
    3. Surplus Sales Records

      3 years [NERC IRO-004-2]

    4. System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Records
      1. Data – Hourly and One-Minute
      2. Retention: 4 months
      3. Disturbance Records – Outages, Surges,etc.
        1. Final Disturbance Reports
          7 years, then evaluate for continuing value
        2. Preliminary Information
          Request forms, notifications, investigations, preliminary disturbance reports, etc.
          Retention: Until final disturbance report is completed
        3. System Disturbance History (Summary)
  7. Production Records
    1. Boiler Tube Failure Report
      3 years[18 CFR 125.3 13.1(a)]
    2. Gauge Reading Reports
      2 years[18 CFR 125.3 13.1(f)]
    3. Generation and Output Logs and Supporting Data
      3 years[18 CFR 125.3 13.1(b)]
    4. Generating High-Tension and Low-Tension Load Records
      3 years[18 CFR 125.3 13.1(d)]
    5. Load Curves, Temperature Logs, Coal and Water logs
      3 years [18 CFR 125.3 13.1(d)(e), NERC IRO-004-2]
    6. Recording Implementation Charts
      1 year [18 CFR 125.3 13.1(g)]
    7. Station and System Generation Reports and Clearance Logs (Steam and Other)
      6 years[18 CFR 125.3 13.1(c)]
  8. Regulatory Reports
    Reports to federal and state regulatory commissions, including annual financial, operating, and statistical reports.

    5 years[18 CFR 125.3 41]

  9. System Planning Records
    1. Emergency Operations Plans and Supporting Documentation
      Emergency load reduction plans and other plans to address insufficient generating capacity, transmission system, load shedding, system restoration, mitigation of operating emergencies, training programs, restoration plans, testing of communications and other aspects of the plans, verification results for the current approved restoration plan, implementation strategies for disturbances, re-synchronization data, records of participation in all requested drills, exercises or simulations, back start resource agreements, etc.

      3 years and until completion of compliance audit[NERC EOP-001-2, NERC EOP005-2]

    2. Reliability Impact Assessments, System Studies and Supporting Documentation
      System studies and assessments of new facilities and connections on the interconnected transmission systems (potential interface and other operating limits; i.e., overloaded transmission lines and transformers, voltage and stability limits) ensuring that bulk electric system can be operated reliably in anticipated normal and contingency event conditions; data needed for system studies and reliability assessments; critical facility status, load, generation, operating reserve projections, known interchange transactions, transmission data, generation data, balancing authority demand, area control error and frequency, etc.; action plans for reconfiguration of transmission system, re-dispatching of generation, reduction or curtailment of interchange transactions reducing load to return transmission loading to acceptable sols or irols.

      3 years [NERC IRO-004-2, NERC FAC-002-1]

    3. System Planning Studies
      Specific network impact studies performed for customers, includes listings of system planning studies posed on OASIS.

      5 years [18 CFR 37.6(b)(2)(iii), NERC FAC-002-1]
  10. Transmission and Distribution Records
    Substation and transmission equipment and operation records, including maintenance, operation, inspection and testing records for substations and the transmission system.
    1. Equipment History Records
      Maintenance histories, operation, inspection and testing records for batteries, gas breakers, hot sticks and grounds, insulators, oil breakers, relays and similar equipment; includes transformer inspections, oil tests, etc.

      5 years
    2. Exception Reports
      Apparatus failure reports, interruption logs and reports, transmission line trouble reports, etc.

      6 years

    3. Lightning and Storm Data

      Until no longer needed for reference

    4. Meter Change-Out Reports
      Received from substation crews when they work on meters.

      3 years [NERC FAC-002-1, NERC IRO-004-2, NERC PRC-005-1]

    5. PCB Transformer Records
      1. PCB Disposal Logs
        At least 3 years after facility ceases using or storing PCBs [40 CFR 761.180]
      2. PCB Spill Cleanup and Decontamination Records
        5 years [40 CFR 761.125(b)(3)]
      3. PCB Transformer Inspection and Maintenance History
        Retention: 3 years after disposal [40 CFR 761.30(a)(1)(xii)]
    6. Pole Tower and Transformer History Records

      Life of pole, tower or transformer [Transformers: 18 CFR 125.2 14(c)]

    7. Relay Settings for Substations
      Documentation of types, settings, input and output, substation location, etc.

      Until superseded

    8. Substation and Transmission Line Logs

      3 years[18 CFR 125.3 14(a)]

    9. Substation Compliance Reports
      Annual NERC reports– general inspection and operating tests.

      3 years

    10. Switching Records (Substation

      3 years [NERC IRO-004-2]

    11. System Operator's Daily Logs and Reports of Operation

      3 years[18 CFR 125.3 14(b)]

    12. Vegetation Management Records
      Quarterly program reports and tree trimming around transmission lines and substations.

      5 years [NERC FAC-003-1]


Records of utility and infrastructure locate requests.

Retention: 90 days after locating is completed or determined to be responsibility of another jurisdiction


Records pertaining to landfills, recycling centers and solid waste management.

  1. Dump or Trip Tickets
    Receipts for loads hauled to landfills or recycling centers.
    3 years

  2. Landfill Locations
    Records documenting the locations of current and past landfills and dumps.

  3. Landfill and Recycling Operations [Reserved]


Records relating to the management of storm water run-off and drainage, flooding and storm drainage basins.

  1. Basin, Floodplain, Flood-way and Flooding Records
    Records documenting the existence of designated and recognized storm water basins and floodplains, including maps and drawings depicting locations, FEMA flood insurance rate maps and records documenting the locations, extent and levels of flooding and mitigation efforts.


  2. Weather Observation Records
    Data and reports relating to weather conditions impacting the storm water system.

    Retention: Permanent for compilations and 5 years for raw data

  3. Wetlands Management
    Records relating to protection and management of wetlands on Denver property or rights-of- way.

    Permanent for preserved wetlands or 30 years after removal and fill

60.41* Elevation Certificate

Records documenting new buildings and substantial improvements in all identified Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) are properly elevated. [NFIP 60.3 (b)(5), Community Rating System 114 & 310]

Retention: Permanent


See Sewer Use and Drainage Permit (SUDP)


Records documenting the ongoing street system and traffic flow operations.

  1. Asphalt Testing Records
    Records relating to asphalt testing; may include asphalt sample sand analytical reports.

    Retention: 5 years
  2. Bridge Inspections and Maintenance
    Records of bridge inspections, inventory, changes to bridges, maintenance, and summary reports to the State or other agencies. [23 CFR 650.305, 23 CFR 650.311]

    2 years after bridge is removed from service

  3. Event Records – Traffic Impacts
    Records documenting preparation for and implementation of traffic changes related to special events such as parades, motorcades and demonstrations, including street closures, traffic rerouting, barricades, signal timing changes and other similar variations.

    2 years after event

  4. High Accident Locations
    Records documenting accidents at locations that have a relatively high accident rate.

    6 years

  5. Naming and Renaming of Streets
    Records relating to naming and changes of names of streets and roadways.


  6. Street Address Number Records
    Records pertaining to street closings, assignment and alteration of street names and house numbers, and similar records providing official control of the naming and numbering of streets and addresses.


  7. Street Cleaning and Sweeping Records

    3 years

  8. Street Engineering Records
    Records documenting the layout and planning of streets, intersections and sidewalks, establishment of grades, street and intersection design and alignment, benchmarks and documentation, street and drainage problem histories and similar records of long-term significance.


  9. Street System Records
    Documentation filed on or before December 31, 1953, with the State department of transportation certifying the total mileage of streets in the street system, certification of adoption and a map of the arterial street system, and documentation of subsequent changes in total mileage and arterial mileage shown in an annual report. [CRS 43-2-125 and 43-2-132]


  10. Traffic Congestion Monitoring Records
    Records relating to scheduled or random traffic counts and traffic congestion monitoring, including automated or manual traffic counts.

    6 years

  11. Traffic Marking, Timing and Signalization Files
    Records and data documenting traffic signal timing, traffic marking and signalization and construction zone, crosswalk parking and no parking zones, speed zone and truck route designations.

    2 years after superseded

  12. Weather Observation Records
    Data and reports relating to weather conditions impacting street and traffic operations.

    Permanent for compilations and 5 years for raw data

60.51 Snow Removal [Reference: County Schedule 10.190]

Records relating to the designation of snow routes, snow removal policies, and snow and ice removal programs.

Retention: 2 years after superseded

60.52 State Highway System Records [Reference: County Schedule 10.170]

Records regarding street maintenance contract with Colorado Department of Transportation and other standards and policy issues relating to State highways within the district.

Retention: Permanent

60.53 Street Lighting Files [Reference: County Schedule 10.190]

Records relating to street lighting improvements, maintenance and repairs on district streets and roadways.

Retention: 6 years


  1. Airport and Airline Operations Records [Reserved]
  2. Railroad Systems Records
    Records pertaining to railroad systems, routes, regulations, and rights-of-way.


  3. Transportation Services Records
    Records pertaining to the overall operation of transportation systems that serve residents, such as light rail, taxicab service, bus system and para-transit service; includes Denver approvals for PUC licenses, route maps and similar records relating to the operation of the service.

    Retention: 6 years


Records pertaining to the formal abandonment or vacation of previously dedicated streets, alleys and public rights-of-way or easements.

Retention: Permanent


Records relating to the operation of the water and sewer distribution and storage systems.

  1. Cross - Connection Control Survey Records
    Documentation of monitoring of potential or actual water system health hazards from pollution entering water pipes from other pipes, including address, description of protection, corrections made, etc.

    1 year after disconnection or 10 years, whichever is later

  2. Sewer Inspection and Testing Records
    Records of inspections and testing to locate problems and defects so that corrective measures can be taken.
    1. Sewer Test Records
      Documentation of smoke, X-ray and other tests undertaken to verify hookup to main sewer lines, check condition of pipes or determine effectiveness of back flow prevention devices.

      5 years after completion of test

    2. Video Inspection Records
      Records of video inspections to locate problems and defects so that corrective measures can be taken.

      Until after next video inspection, then evaluate prior to destruction of records to determine ongoing value
  3. Tap Permits and Connection Records
    Records regarding the application for and issuance of water and sewer tap permits and connections between specific properties and the utility systems, including those for inside and outside users.

    2 years after disconnection, provided that record of disconnection is retained permanently

  4. Valve Records
    Records documenting installation, locations, and maintenance of valves in the water and sewer systems.
    1. Locations
    2. Maintenance and Repair
      2 years
    3. Specifications
      Until valve is permanently removed from service
  5. Water Consumption Reports
    Compilations of statistics documenting daily water consumption.
    1. Annual Reports
    2. Information Summarized in Annual Reports
      2 years
  6. Water Distribution and Production System Records
    1. Analysis of System
      Retention: 3 years

    2. Reports – Distribution and Production Systems
      Retention: Permanent

    3. Water Line Maintenance and Repair Records
      Documentation of maintenance and repair of water lines.
      1. Records Requiring Engineering Stamp
        2 years after water line permanently removed from service
      2. Other Records
        2 years
    4. Water Pressure Measurements
      6 years

    5. Water Storage Inspection Reports
      Retention: 6 years
    6. Water System Inspection and Testing Records
      1. Video Inspection Records
        Records of video inspections to locate problems and defects so that corrective measures can be taken.
        Until after next video inspection, then evaluate prior to destruction of records to determine ongoing value

      2. Water System Test Records
        Documentation of tests undertaken to verify connections, check condition of pipes, etc.

        5 years after completion of test
    7. Water Use Restriction and Conservation Records
      1. Notices of Restrictions
        Notices of water use restrictions imposed because of restrictions on water supply.
        2 years

      2. Variance Records
        Records of variances for individual property owners to the watering restrictions.
        Until expiration of variance

      3. Water Conservation Records
        Records of activities that promote and coordinate the efficient use of water resources, i.e., educational and outreach efforts, reports, etc.
        5 years, then evaluate for continuing value prior to destruction of records


      1. SUDP without Floodplain Permit

        Until Sewer is abandoned or removed

      2. SUDP with Floodplain Permit
        Records related to any use of the floodplain including, but not limited to: application, plans, reports, studies, maps, inspections, correspondence, and permit documents.


      Disconnection Records [Reference: County Schedule 10.250]

      Records documenting the disconnection of properties from district water, sewer, power or similar utility systems.

      Retention: Permanent


      Records explaining how storm or sanitary billing is determined for each account, including answers to customer questions on billing.

      Retention: 5 years; Special accounts with unusual circumstances may require longer retention for administrative purposes.


      Records relating to the treatment of water or sewage.

      1. Analytical Reports
        Records relating to analysis of samples taken from various locations throughout the system and from raw and processed sources of supply.
        1. Bacteriological and Microbiological Analysis
          Samples collected for laboratory testing for various contaminants that are naturally present in the environment; includes sewage plant composite sampling records, weekly sewage tests, etc.

          5 years [40 CFR 141.33]

        2. Chemical and Radiological Analysis
          Verification of water quality at various sampling points to determine the presence of chemicals and radionuclides from the decay of natural and man-made deposits and the erosion of natural deposits.

          10 years [40 CFR 141.33]

        3. Lead and Copper Analysis
          Tests to determine the levels of lead and copper resulting from the corrosion of household plumbing systems, the erosion of natural deposits and leaching from wood preservatives; includes sampling data and analyses, reports, surveys, letters, evaluations, schedules, state determinations, etc.

          12 years [40 CFR 141.91]

        4. Secondary Contaminants Analysis
          Tests to determine the levels of inorganic and volatile organic contaminants.

          10 years [40 CFR 141.33]

        5. Turbidity Analysis
          Documentation of analysis of water samples to determine level of cloudiness caused by suspended particles resulting from soil runoff.

          5 years [40 CFR 141.33]

        6. Water Test Standards
          Standards for water testing.

          Retention: 5 years after superseded
      2. Annual Reports
        Reports created on annual basis, including national primary drinking water consumer confidence reports delivered to consumers, documenting water and wastewater treatment operations.


      3. Corrective Actions– Noncompliance
        Documentation of actions to correct violations of primary drinking water regulations. Retention: 3 years after last action regarding violation [40 CFR 141.33]

      4. Discharge Permits and Monitoring
        Documentation of pollution and effluent discharged from wastewater treatment facilities and reports submitted in conjunction with permit compliance; permits issued under the Clean Water Act by the Colorado Department of Health or Environmental Protection Agency/ National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for discharge of treated sewage under controlled conditions.

        1. Inspection Records
          Documentation of annual inspections of wastewater treatment operations to monitor compliance with NPDES permit conditions. Retention: 5 years

        2. Odor Complaints
          3 years

        3. Permits and Supporting Documentation
          Retention: 5 years after expiration, cancellation, revocation, or denial
      5. Industrial Pretreatment Permits
        Permits and permit modifications issued to private industries allowing the discharge of specific pollutants under controlled conditions.

        5 years after expiration, cancellation, revocation, or denial

      6. Operational Reports
        1. Chlorination Reports
          10 years

        2. Filter Plant Logs
          Daily information regarding plant operations.
          Retention: 5 years

        3. Plant Capacity Records
          2 years

        4. Sand Trap Inspections
          Life of sand trap
      7. Sanitary Surveys of System
        Studies, surveys or reports examining the overall sanitary condition of water and wastewater systems and any communications regarding the sanitary survey.

        10 years after completion of sanitary survey [40 CFR 141.33]

      8. Sludge Application Records
        Documentation of placement of approved sites and the surface application of sewage sludge to approved sites.
        1. Domestic Septage Application
          5 years [40 CFR 503.17]

        2. Permits and Supporting Documentation
          5 years after expiration, cancellation, revocation, or denial

        3. Preparation and Application of Sludge
          Records relating to preparation of sewage sludge and the application of sewage sludge to approved sites, including certifications of concentration of pollutants, pathogen requirements and management practices.
          5 years [40 CFR 503.17]

        4. Surface Disposal Site Placement
          Records of sewage sludge placed on surface disposal sites, including name and address of persons who prepare the sludge, name and address of the landowner or lease holder, site location, an explanation of why the sludge must remain on the site for longer than two years before final use or disposal, and an estimate of when final disposal will take place.

          By person who prepares sludge, for as long as sewage sludge remains on land [40 CFR 503.20]
      9. Variances and Exemptions
        5 years after expiration [40 CFR 141.33]


      Records pertaining to source of supply of raw (untreated) water, including records relating to adjudication, acquisition, dedication and transfer of water shares and water resources and records relating to the water storage system. [Important Note: Water rights records are considered to be essential records to Denver, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in electronic format.]

      1. Acquisition, Sale and Transfer Records
        Records relating to acquisition, sale, or transfer of water rights, including water acquisition agreements, dedication of water rights by developers to meet development requirements, court proceedings, water decrees, allotment contracts, temporary use permits and other similar transactions.

        Permanent, except that water offers are to be retained until accepted or rejected [Important Note: Water rights records are considered to be essential records to Denver, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in paper format.]

      2. Dam Monitoring and Inspection Records
        Dam safety inspections and monitoring data and reports.

        Life of dam + 1 year

      3. Ditch Records
        Records relating to gauging station and visual monitoring of ditch flows and conditions.

        Retention: Life of ditch + 1 year

      4. River and Stream Records
        1. Flow Measurements
          Data reported to the State Engineer's Office regarding water flows, collected from recording stations in streams or wells.

          1 year

        2. Hydrologic Data – Rivers and Streams
          Raw data collected from field gauging stations established to monitor diverted river and stream flows.

          5 years, provided that data is compiled into report that is retained permanently

        3. Surface Water Rights Records
          Augmentation plans, river flow observations, adjudication of priorities of use and similar records relating to surface water rights.

          Permanent [Important Note: Water rights records are considered to be essential records to Denver, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in paper format.]
      5. Underground Water Rights and Supply
        Records relating to underground aquifers, water wells and similar records.

        Permanent [Important Note: Water rights records are considered to be essential records to Denver, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in paper format.]

      6. Water Decree Accounting Records retained as required by the State Engineer or Water Court to track the use of water under a decree.

        Permanent [Important Note: Water rights records are considered to be essential records to Denver, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in paper format.]

      7. Water Rental or Leasing Records
        Records relating to water stock assessments and seasonal rental of surplus irrigation water.

        6 years

      8. Water Stock Certificates
        Documents issued by water companies as proof of an ownership interest in the company.

        Retention: Until sale or transfer of stock

      9. Weather Records
        1. Weather Modification Records
          Records of cloud seeding projects.

          Retention: Permanent

        2. Weather Observation Records
          Reports on weather, river, snow pack and climatological observations affecting water supply.

          Retention: Permanent for data compilations and 5 years for raw data
      10. Well Records
        Records pertaining to location, adjudication, permit applications, drilling, installation, testing, use and abandonment of water wells for Denver use.

        Permanent [Important Note: Water rights records are considered to be essential records to Denver, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in paper format.]

      60.101 Weather Sensor Calibration and Testing Records [Reference: County Schedule 10.310 Weather Records]

      Documentation of testing and calibration of district weather sensors to ensure accuracy

      Retention: Life of equipment + 1 year

      60.102 Water Modeling and Forecasting Records [Reference: County Schedule.310]

      Records relating to projections of future water needs and supplies for the county.

      Retention: Permanent

      Cross References

      Agreements and contracts– 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts Annexation review records – 65.010, Annexation Case Files

      Communication infrastructure – Schedule 55, Information Technology and Communication Systems Records Communication systems franchises – 30.110, Franchise Records

      Complaints – 40.090, Complaints, Routine Service Requests and Nonbinding Petitions Correspondence – Schedule 145, Correspondence Records

      Development review records – 65.030*,Development Case Files

      Easements – 95.030, Easements and Rights-of-Way and Supporting Documentation Emergency plans – 100.040, Emergency Planning and Response

      Encroachments – 75.020*.G, Permits to Work in Public Way

      Enterprise board records – 45.060, Governing Body as Another Decision-Making Body Equipment calibration, maintenance, and testing– 35.010*, Equipment Records in General Fee collection – 30.020*, Accounts Receivable (A/R) Records

      Franchises – 30.110, Franchise Records

      Hazardous waste – 25.020*, Hazardous Waste Storage and Transport Records Impact fees – 30.020*, Accounts Receivable (A/R) Records

      Improvement districts – 30.130, Improvement District Records Landfill monitoring – 25.010*, Environmental Monitoring and Reviews

      Maps and drawings – 40.180, Maps, Drawings and Supporting Documentation

      Metering records– 30.210.B, Meter Records Plans – 40.330,Studies, Plans and Reports Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation

      Projects – 40.240*, Non O&M Project Files

      Rebate programs – 30.180*, Rebate Program Records Reports – 40.290, Reports

      Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards Studies – 40.330, Studies, Plans and Reports

      Traffic code – 40.070.A,Codes Adopted by Reference

      Training and operator records– 90.070*, Employee Records – Active and Terminated Utility billing – 30.210, Utility

      Billing Water and sanitation district records – 40.320, Special District Records

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records documenting the annexation of areas or the disapproval of annexations, including annexation petitions, annexation agreements, copies of annexing and zoning ordinances, annexation maps, permanent correspondence, departmental review of various impacts of the annexation (traffic, utility, financial, support services, environmental), etc. See also 15.150.A, Annexation and Deannexation Election Petitions.

  1. Approved

    Retention: Permanent for records relating to the annexation or desannexation of territory to or from Denver which contains historical value. Other related annexation or desannexation to be retained for 5 years

  2. Not Approved

Retention: 5 years after disapproval


  1. Census and Population Data (Historical)

    Summary population estimates, statistics, and municipal census surveys.

    Retention: Permanent

  2. Census Forms and Reports

Copies of U.S. Census Bureau forms and voluntary surveys on government employment and Denver tax revenues, used to meet the requirements for Federal Revenue Sharing and to make financial information available to the public, annual survey of government employees, boundary and annexation survey and similar reports.

Retention: 3 years


Records pertaining to developments, including accessory use reviews, conceptual reviews, conditional use reviews, master plans, nonconforming use reviews, overall development plans, permitted use reviews, planned unit developments, site plans, site specific development plans, minor subdivisions, replats, resub divisions, special use reviews, vacations of plats and plans, and similar projects; includes departmental review of various aspects of development proposals (traffic, utilities, financial, environmental) and documentation of vested property rights.

  1. Approved

    Retention: Permanent, except that obsolete nonpermanent correspondence and documentation may be purged in accordance with this Retention Schedule

  2. Not Approved

    Retention: 6 months after date of rejection

65.040* [RESERVED]


Advisory deliberations from the County or other jurisdictions for review and recommendation.

  1. Direct Interest to Denver

    6 years, provided that it is reviewed for ongoing value before destroying

  2. Other Referrals

    Until no longer needed for reference

65.060* VARIANCE AND EXEMPTION CASE FILES (see also Sch.110 #110.010.D*)

Records pertaining to approval of variances to code requirements, such as setback and parking requirements, requested by property owners and developers due to hardships and circumstances outside of their control.

Retention: 10 years after expiration, revocation, or discontinuance of use


  1. Land Use Violations
    Records of violations of land use or related codes.

    Retention: 7 years

  2. Nuisance Abatement Records
    Records documenting enforcement of Denver provisions designed to abate nuisances such as overgrown weeds and grass, abandoned vehicles, junk and trash and other nuisances.

    7 years


Records pertaining to the initial zoning of property upon annexation or the subsequent rezoning of property, including correspondence of enduring value, ordinances, zoning maps, petitions, zoning certificates and similar records.

Retention: Permanent

Cross References

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts

Code enforcement – 85.030*.B, Code Enforcement Cases and Ordinance Cases Correspondence – Schedule 145 *, Correspondence Records

Fee receipts – 30.020*, Accounts Receivable (A/R) Records Floodplain records – 60.040*, Stormwater Drainage System Records

Hazardous waste -25.020*, Hazardous Waste Storage and Transport Records Planning studies, plans and reports – 40.330, Studies, Plans and Reports Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation Reports – 40.290, Reports

Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards Special districts – 40.320, Special District Records

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

General Description: Records relating to library and museum or Denver history operations.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records pertaining to the operation of Denver Public library. [CRS 24-90-109]

  1. Catalogs

    Finding aids in card or computer form that provide patrons with access to library holdings.

    Retention: Until superseded

  2. Gift Register

    Retention: Permanent

  3. Interlibrary Loan Transactions/Reciprocal Borrowing Sheets

    Retention: 3 years

  4. Patrons' Registration Forms

    Retention: 6 years

  5. User Records

    Records of use of specific library materials by individual patron. [CRS 24-90-119 addresses privacy of library user records]

    Retention: 3 years

70.11 BOOK REQUISITIONS [Reference: County Schedule 7.270]

Retention: 2 years

70.12 CIRCULATION STATISTICS [Reference: County Schedule 7.270]

Retention: Permanent


Records documenting the acquisition and ownership of museum materials in museums, Denver history collections, and similar collections or repositories, including: raw (untouched) image files of museum artifacts; temporary custody forms documenting chain of custody of materials held for review pending a decision on permanent acquisition; contracts of gift or deeds of gift forms documenting permanent acquisitions; loan forms documenting the chain of custody of materials loaned to the museum or loaned by the museum to other repositories; and de-accession records documenting the removal of materials from the collection.

Retention: Permanent

Cross References

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts

Board of trustees records – Schedule 20, Entities Appointed by The City and County of Denver Correspondence – Schedule 145*, Correspondence Records

Fee collections – 30.020*, Accounts Receivable (A/R) Records

Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation Reports – 40.290, Reports

Rules, regulations and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

General Description: Records pertaining to the review, investigation, approval, issuance, renewal, denial, suspension or revocation of licenses and permits.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Bonds required before a license or permit can be issued or renewed.

Retention: 1 year after expiration


Licenses, permits or certificates to own or use something, do something or carry on a business.

  1. Alcohol Beverage Licensing and Permit Records
    Application and supporting materials relating to issuance, renewal, transfer, suspension, or revocation of licenses for establishments that sells alcohol beverages.

    1. License and Permit Files

      Records relating to applications and renewals for all types of beer and liquor licenses, special events and temporary permits, including initial Denver and state application forms; change of corporate or trade name form; change of location permit; modification of premises; floor diagram; individual history forms; manager's registration and changes of manager forms; certificates of incorporation or good standing; record of payment of fees; record of posting of premises; neighborhood petitions; boundary maps; ownership records including lists of officers, stockholders and directors, partnership agreements, articles of organization, operating agreements, certificates of authority, and corporate changes; show-cause or administrative hearing records and records of revocation or suspension; and other background materials.

      Retention: 2 years after establishment ceases operation or after final denial, expiration, revocation, termination or transfer of license or permit, except that any background materials that will also apply to transferred license should be retained from original license file and that any obsolete material may be purged when replaced with updated information

    2. Special Events Licenses
      Application and supporting documentation for special events licenses.

      Retention: 2 years + current after event

  2. Contractor's Licenses/Registrations
    Licenses issued locally to contractors to authorize them to do business as builders, general contractors, or contractors for installation or work on specific types of systems.

    1 year after expiration for contractor’s licenses and 3 years after expiration for contractor’s certificates.

  3. Licenses Issued by Denver in General

    Licensing records, including application, proof of payment, copies of license certificates issued, proof of insurance, approval forms from reviewing departments and similar documentation for licenses, including (but not limited to) those for animals, amusement devices, auctioneers, bicycles, carnivals, cemetery contractors, circuses, dance halls, home occupations, house movers, massage therapists, oil and gas well drilling, pest control, refuse haulers, secondhand dealers, security guards, shooting galleries, sexually oriented businesses, sign contractors, slaughterhouses, taxi and limousine drivers, theaters, transient vendors, tree trimming, vendors and peddlers, etc.

    Retention: 2 years after expiration, revocation, denial, or termination of licensed activity

  4. Medical Marijuana Licensing Records
    1. License Files
      Records relating to local licenses to distribute, transmit, give, dispense, cultivate or otherwise provide marijuana in accordance with Section 14 of Article XVIII of the Colorado Constitution; includes business license applications and supporting documentation, such as owner identity information, applicant criminal history investigations, business plans, lighting plans, information on where plants will be cultivated, zoning approvals, security arrangements, signage plans, etc.

      2 years after establishment ceases operation or after final denial, expiration, revocation, termination, or transfer of license, except that any background materials that will also apply to transferred license should be retained from original license file and that any obsolete material may be purged when replaced with updated information

    2. Patient Registry Information
      Confidential records made known Denver relating to the identity of individuals applying for a medical marijuana registry card through the CDPHE. [CRS 18188-406.3, CRS 25-1.5-106, 5 CCR 1006-2]

      Until no longer needed for reference
  5. Pawnbroker Licensing Records

    1. License Files

      Records relating to applications for licenses, record of payment of fees, background investigation material, etc.

      Retention: 2 years after expiration, revocation, denial or termination

    2. Pawn Records
      Records received from pawn shops to track the acquisition and sale of pawned property, including declarations of ownership.

      2 years after transaction

  6. Permits Issued by Denver in General

    Records including applications, proof of payment and insurance coverage and other supporting documentation for permits issued to allow specific activities; includes (but is not limited to) permits for alarm system installation, banners, billboards, boats on municipal lakes, burning of refuse, candles and open flames in public places, cemetery monument placement, communication towers, concealed weapons, excavation, explosives, facility use, fence installation, fireworks and pyrotechnical displays, flammable or combustible liquids storage or sale, gas and oil drilling structures, grading, guard dogs, home occupations, house moving, hunting, landscaping, loudspeakers, odor control, parking, parades and assemblies, right-of-way planting, signs, special events or uses, spray booths, tents or canopies, tree trimming or removal, watering, etc.

    Retention: 2 years after expiration, revocation, denial, or termination of permitted use

  7. Permits to Work in Public Way

    Encroachment permits, revocable permits, street cut permits, public right-of-way permits or other permits issued for permanent, indefinite or temporary trespass on, under or over the public right-of- way (streets, sidewalks, adjacent public right-of-way or publicly owned property); for private use or construction to place improvements, communications, utility or other installations or temporary uses in the public way, such as demolitions, excavations, street cuts, blasting, crane operations, barricade installations, concrete construction (curb, gutter, sidewalks) or the moving of heavy equipment; supporting documentation includes applications, maps and drawings, proof of insurance, departmental reviews, approvals, etc.

    Retention: 3 years after permit expiration, revocation or discontinuance of use and after expiration of any warranties for activity or work done in public way

  8. Work-Related Permits
    1. Confined Space Entry Permits

      Issued by employer to document the completion of required safety measures for employees to work in confined spaces, such as tanks, storage bins, hoppers, vaults and pits with limited or restricted means of entry or exit.

      Retention: At least 1 year after cancellation [29 CFR 1910.146(e)(6)]

    2. Hot Work and Open Flame Work Permits
      Issued by employer for employees to conduct hot and open flame work, such as electric or gas welding, cutting, brazing or similar flame or spark-producing operations, in or near hazardous chemicals or substances possessing toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive properties.

      Until completion of work [29 CFR 1910.119(k)(2)]


Applications and supporting documentation for licenses or permits issued by other entities as evidence that Denver is allowed to undertake some type of activity for which a license or permit is required.

  1. Childcare Facility Licensing Records

    Records relating to Denver operated childcare facilities at recreation centers or other facilities; includes license applications and supporting documentation; records relating to the admission, progress, health, and discharge of children; complaints; criminal history checks and other records of personnel and volunteers; fire and health inspections, reports to the State; critical incident reports; etc.

    Retention: 3 years [CRS 26-6-101, et seq., 12 CCR 2509-8, Rule 7.701]

  2. Licenses and Permits Issued to Denver in General

License or permit records, including applications and supporting documentation, as well as certificates issued by other agencies, such as for State sales tax license, withholding tax registration, State certificate of exemption, etc.

Retention: 2 years after expiration


Records, listings, or logs of licenses or permits, including contact lists and listings of active licenses and permits.

Retention: Until superseded

Cross References

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts

Building and demolition permits – 05.030*, Building and Demolition Permits Correspondence – Schedule 145*, Correspondence Records

Industrial pretreatment permits – 60.090.E, Industrial Pretreatment Permits Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation Reports – 40.290, Reports

Rules, regulations and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards Sales tax licenses – 30.190*.E, Sales and Use Tax Records

Sewer taps permits – 60.080.C, Tap Permits and Connection Records Sludge application permits – 60.090.H, Sludge Application Records

Underground storage tank permits – 25.050*, Storage Tanks – Regulated Substances Water tap permits – 60.080.C, Tap Permits and Connection Records

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

General Description: Records pertaining to claims, lawsuits and advice received from legal counsel.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.

Note: The documents described below may be confidential and subject to the Attorney-Client or Work Product privileges. Even so, the documents must be retained in accordance with this schedule.

80.010 CLAIMS

  1. Claim Notifications

    Records of notifications of claims regarding potential lawsuits that are forwarded to legal counsel and/or the insurance carrier.

    Retention: 6 years after closure of claim

  2. Medical Records – Personal Injury Claims

Medical records that provide supporting documentation needed for resolution of personal injury claims.

Retention: Until claim is resolved, then evaluate for continuing value prior to destruction


Files used by prosecutors to conduct trials against persons charged with criminal misdemeanors, including citations, police reports, driving records, complaints, subpoenas, motions, judgments and related records.

Retention: 2 years after case is closed


See Schedule 145.030*


Civil case files documenting pending and closed cases filed by Denver and against the Denver, including legal documents, notes, reports, background material, settlement records and other documentation created in handling of claims and legal disputes and civil actions between Denver and other parties. These records will include documentation such as complaints, summonses, investigations, reports, attorney's notes, photographs, orders and judgments, dispositions, pleadings and related records. Litigation records include any court decisions affecting Denver, court proceedings, research files of legal counsel, litigation case files, and regulatory hearing files.

Major Litigation

Documentation of civil suits by the Denver against another party or in defense of the Denver and/or its employees against suits filed by another party in a matter that sets legal precedent, that has widespread importance or long-term major significance to Denver and how it operates, that has historical interest or that is perceived by Denver or legal counsel to have enduring reference value.

Retention: Permanent

Minor Litigation

Documentation of civil suits of a minor nature by the City against another party or in defense of the Denver and/or its employees against suits filed by another party, records of litigation with relatively short-term reference value.

Retention: 7 years after case closed, dismissed or date of last action unless there is historical value.

Cross References

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts

Billings to outside legal counsel – 30.010*, Accounts Payable (A/P) Records Correspondence – Schedule 145*, Correspondence Records

Garnishments – 150.010*, Basis of Pay

Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation Reports – 40.290, Reports

Risk management – Schedule 105, Risk Management

Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards Legal Communications – 145.030*, General Correspondence

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

Updated: July 24, 2017

General Description: Records pertaining to the administration and operations of Denver County Court.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records related to County Court decisions appealed to higher courts.

  1. Appeal Decisions
    1. Ruling of higher court’s decision on appeal
      General Ordinance, Civil, Small Claims, Criminal Cases

      Kept in case file

    2. Traffic
      Includes cases with or without outstanding judgment/warrant (OJW) liens.

      Kept in case file

    3. Appeal Transcripts
      Transcripts of proceedings prepared for appeals of decisions to higher courts.

      Kept in case file 30 days after all rights of appeal have expired, or 2 years upon decision rendered by higher court.

85.020* CASE FILES

Records containing summonses and complaints issued for appearances in County Court and supporting documentation such as subpoenas, citations, notices, letters, other court-issued instruments, forms, plea offers, payment plans, etc.

Note: All cases must be closed with no appeal pending. All funds held in registry must be disbursed. A case file is considered to be closed upon final judgment and/or completion of all sentence requirements and/or satisfaction of judgment. Retention period runs from date of creation of case.

  1. Ordinance Violation Cases (General Sessions cases)
    1. Paper

      Once scanned into case management the paper document must be destroyed.

    2. Electronic Record

      4 years except sex offense cases (cases requiring registration as a sex offender) and domestic violence cases.
  2. Sex offense cases (cases requiring registration as a sex offender) and domestic violence cases

    Retention 20 years

  3. Misdemeanor; Felony Preliminary Cases; and Petty Offenses
    1. Paper

      Once scanned into case management the paper document must be destroyed.

    2. Electronic Record

      4 years except felony cases that have been bound over to District Court; DUI/DWAI cases, sex offense cases (cases requiring registration as a sex offender), and domestic violence cases.
  4. Felony cases bound over to District Court


  5. DUI/DWAI cases, sex offense cases (cases requiring registration as a sex offender), and domestic violence cases

    20 years

  6. Parking Cases
    1. Paper

      Once scanned into case management the paper document must be destroyed.

    2. Electronic Record

      Retention: 2 years
  7. Traffic Cases
    1. Paper

      Once scanned into case management the paper document must be destroyed

    2. Electronic Record

      4 years
  8. Civil Cases
    1. Paper

      Once scanned into case management the paper document must be destroyed.

    2. Electronic Record

      6 years; except name changes and temporary restraining orders
  9. Name Changes and Temporary and Permanent Restraining Orders

    Retention: Permanent

  10. Small Claims Cases
    1. Paper

      Once scanned into case management the paper document must be destroyed;

    2. Electronic Record

      6 years

85.030 RECORDED PROCEEDINGS AND LOG NOTES (Reference: State Judicial Records Retention Schedule)

Notes, digital or analog audio or video recording of Civil, Small Claims, Traffic Infraction, Traffic, Misdemeanor, Ordinance Violations, Felony proceedings before the County Court

Retention: 2 years


  1. Admitted evidence.

    30 days after all rights to appeal have expired, then as appropriate return to law enforcement agency or property owner or destroy.

    The clerk of the court shall provide notice to each attorney of record, or party, advising that the exhibit(s) will be disposed of by court order unless claimed within 30 days. Regular first-class postage or postcards are permitted for these notices, provided a record is made of each mailing and response, if any. Any questions of ownership shall be decided by the court. The court may deny the return of any exhibit for cause (i.e., weapons, drugs, or other contraband). Dispose of exhibits according to the following schedule.

  2. Exhibits in Traffic and Misdemeanor cases

     30 days after appeal period has passed

  3. Unidentified exhibits

    1 year

  4. Transcripts – Other

    2 years after appeal decision (or appeal period has passed) then destroy.

  5. Unclaimed exhibits that have historical or archival value



Records relating to selection and oversight of jurors, rosters of persons selected to serve on juries, jury summonses and instructions regarding service on the jury.

Retention: 4 years

85.060* PROBATION FILES (Reference: State Judicial Records Retention Schedule)

  1. Adult Probation
    1. Paper

      Once scanned into case management the paper document must be destroyed.

    2. Electronic Record

      10 years from probation termination date
  2. Juvenile Probation
    1. Paper

      Retention Once scanned into case management the paper document must be destroyed.

    2. Electronic Record

      2 years from probation termination date or until juvenile reaches age 21 whichever is longer.
  3. Alcohol Evaluation Reports

    3 years after evaluation

  4. Other reports and supporting documentation kept by probation officer or department separate from case file

    2 years


  1. Out-of-County Bond Records
  2. Retention: 2 years

Cross References

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts Bank records for court-maintained accounts – 30.050*, Bank Records Correspondence – Schedule 145*, Correspondence Records

Fines and charges receipts – 30.020*, Accounts Receivable (A/R) Records

Fines and charges schedules – 30.090, Fees and Rates Schedules and Supporting Documentation Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation Reports – 40.290,

Reports, Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012
Updated: November 2020

General Description: Records relating to the hiring, employment, workplace safety, benefits, compensation, retirement, and termination of employees.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and  through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records relating to compliance with federal affirmative action requirements.

  1. Affirmative Action Plan

    Retention: 2 years after superseded

  2. Report EEO-1

    Employer information reports made by all Denver agencies with more than 100 employees.

    Retention: Copy of most current report must be available [29 CFR 1602.12]

  3. * Report EEO-4

    Records submitted to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) documenting compliance with EEOC requirements by Denver with 15 or more employees. [Note: Do not confuse this record with EEO-4 Data Record, which is kept at each individual employee’s personnel file, see #90.070*]

    Retention: 3 years [29 CFR 1602.32]

  4. Requests for Reasonable Accommodations

    Requests for reasonable accommodations in hiring or employment.

    Retention: 2 years [29 CFR 1602.31]

  5. * Affirmative Action Records

    Case files relating to discrimination complaints, including the appropriate forms, complaints, legal and investigative documents, exhibits, related communications/documents, withdrawal notices, and decisions or judgments.

    Retention: Resolution of case + 3 years


Individual employment contracts or where contracts or agreements are not in writing, a written memorandum summarizing the terms.

Retention: 3 years after expiration [29 CFR 516.5]


Records pertaining to fringe benefits, insurance coverage and benefit plans for employees.

  1. * Benefit Plans

    Documentation relating to employee health, dental, vision and other insurance plans; including a benefit plan description and/or a summary benefit plan description and amendments. NOTE: Records of deferred compensation plans are maintained by a third-party contractor company.

    Retention: Full period that plan or system is in effect (i.e., as long as anyone is still covered under the plan), plus 1 year after termination of plan [29 CFR 1627.3]

  5. * Enrollment forms

    Records detailing the deferred compensation enrollment; beneficiary designations; selection of benefit plans; records relating to COBRA continuation of health insurance coverage; etc.

    Retention: 7 years


Employee agreements such as conflict of interest, outside employment forms, confidentiality forms, acknowledgement records of relevant Denver Executive Orders; stipulation and agreement such as the Drug & Alcohol tolerance agreement, etc.

Retention: 6 years after leaving position for which the record was filed


Agreements resulting from collective bargaining negotiations and supporting documentation such as general correspondence; records relating to the selection of negotiators, mediators, and arbitrators; negotiation session agendas, notes, recordings, and summaries, etc.

Retention: 3 years after expiration of collective bargaining agreement [29 CFR 516.5]


  1. Pay Plans

    Written plans outlining job titles and pay scales for employees.

    Retention: Permanent

  2. Seniority or Merit Systems

    Retention: For full period plan or system is in effect plus 1 year [29 CFR 1627.3]


Records relating to the planning, coordination, implementation, direction, and evaluation of an employee counseling program. Including reports of interviews, analyses, and similar records relating to the counseling of an employee for work-related, personal, or substance abuse problems.

Retention: 3 years after close of file


Records of periodic checks by Denver agencies that employees have the appropriate valid drivers' licenses.

Retention: Until superseded


  1. Personnel Records under the purview of the Office of Human Resources (OHR) – Denver’s Human Resources Department

    Documentation of an individual employee's work history maintained because of the employer-employee relationship, such as records pertaining to age, current or last-known address, telephone number and social security number; gender and ethnicity; EEO-4 data record, notices of appointment; awards and commendations; disciplinary and personnel actions and supporting documentation, including hiring, evaluation, demotion, promotion, layoff, selection for training or apprenticeships, professional certifications, application and resume, transfer, resignation and termination or involuntary termination; delegation of authority and work assignments; oaths of office; job-related training documentation; performance evaluations; salary documentation; position budget approval; military service; [General Reference: CRS 24-72-202(4.5)]. Note: Medical records are to be retained separately in accordance with federal law. For employee medical records, see 90.110.B, Employee Medical Records in General.

    Retention: 6 years after retirement or separation, provided that records that are updated periodically may be destroyed when superseded and that medical records relating to hazardous material exposure are retained 30 years after separation

  2. Personnel Records housed at individual agency

    Documentation of an individual employee's work history maintained because of the employer-employee relationship, such as records pertaining to age, current or last-known address, telephone number; gender and ethnicity; notices of appointment; tuition reimbursement; classification questionnaires; copies of awards and commendations; verbal reprimand; copies of personnel actions and supporting documentation; settlement agreements copies; delegation of authority and work assignments; emergency notification forms; oaths of office; job-related training documentation; individual safety training records, performance evaluations; salary documentation; position budget approval; military service. [General Reference: CRS 24-72-202(4.5)]. Note: Medical records are to be retained separately in accordance with federal law. For employee medical records, see 90.110.B, Employee Medical Records in General.

    Retention: 6 years after retirement or separation, provided that records that are updated periodically may be destroyed when superseded and that medical records relating to hazardous material exposure are retained 30 years after separation. Prior to records destruction, consult with official record custodian on employee records regarding proper transfer or disposal of departmental employee records upon termination of employment


Records and documentation relating to employment of temporary and seasonal employees, except for payroll and fiscal information.

Retention: 3 years after termination, except payroll and fiscal records

Departmental temporary or seasonal employee records: Consult with record custodian on employee records regarding proper transfer or disposal of departmental employee records upon termination of employment


Records created to control and monitor the issuance of keys, identification cards, passes, or similar instruments of identification and access.

Retention: Until superseded, date of expiration, or date of separation + 2 years, as applicable


Records of verification of employment in response to external requests(i.e., verifications of employment status needed for loans, child support, job applications, etc.).

Retention: 2 years


Reports, studies, aggregated or summarized data,and similar documentation compiled to monitor and demonstrate compliance with the Equal Pay Act.

Retention: 2 years


Records of personnel grievances or complaints filed by employees.

Retention: 6 years after separation of employment.


See also 105.030*, Workers' Compensation.

  1. Commercial Drivers' License Records
    1. Administrative Records

      Records relating to administration of the CDL Program, including copies of expired driver's licenses, DOT physicals, program brochures and flyers, etc.

      Retention: 5 years [49 CFR 382.401(b)(1)(vi)]

    2. Annual Calendar Year Summary

      Retention: 5 years [49 CFR 382.401(b)(1)(vii)]

    3. Calibration Documentation

      Retention: 5 years [49 CFR 382.401(b)(1)(v)]

    4. Collection Process Records

      Retention: 2 years [49 CFR 382.401(b)(2)]

    5. Driving Skills Testing Center Pass/Fail Records

      Retention: 3 years[1 CCR 204-12]

    6. Test Refusal Documentation

      Retention: 5 years [49 CFR 382.401(b)(1)(iii)]

    7. Test Result Records – Alcohol and Controlled substances
      1. Alcohol Test Results
        1. Concentration Greater than 0.02

          Retention: 5 years [49 CFR 382.401(b)(1)(i)]

        2. Concentration Less Than 0.02

          Retention: 1 year [49 CFR 382.401(b)(3)]

      2. Controlled Substance Test Results
        1. Driver Verified Positive Test Results

          Retention: 5 years [49 CFR 382.401(b)(1)(ii)]

        2. Negative and Cancelled Test Results

          Retention: 1 year [49 CFR 382.401(b)(3)]

    8. Training and Education Records – Technicians, Supervisors, Drivers

      Retention: Maintained by employer while individual performs functions which require training and for 2 years after individual ceases to perform those functions [49 CFR 382.401(b)(4)]

  2. * Employee Medical Records in General

    Confidential employee medical records, including: pre-employment physicals; post-employment offer medical examinations and inquiries; job-related medical examinations and inquiries consistent with business necessity; voluntary medical histories obtained as part of an employee health program; pre-employment, post-accident and random drug testing records(not including CDL testing); medical records connected to personnel actions and covered under the requirements of ADA, ADEA, FMLA or OSHA; hazardous materials exposure records, such as records of any personal or environmental monitoring of exposure to hazardous materials, lead and asbestos, chemicals, toxic substances, noise, dust, heat, cold, repetitive motion, blood-borne pathogens, biological agents, bacteria, virus, fungus, radiation, or other dangerous work-related conditions. [General Reference: 29 CFR 1630.14, medical records are not personnel records and must be kept physically separate from employee personnel records.]

    Retention: 6 years after separation from employment, except that employee medical records related to hazardous materials or blood-borne pathogen exposure are to be retained for 30 years after separation from employment and medical records related to workers' compensation cases are to be retained for 10 years after case is closed [29 CFR 1910.1020, 29 CFR 1910.1030]

  3. HIPAA Authorizations for Release of Information

    Employee (patient) authorizations for release of protected health and medical information.

    Retention: 6 years from date of creation of record

  4. * [RESERVED]

90.120 I-9 FORMS

Record of verification of citizenship and eligibility to work in the United States, including verification documentation that establishes identity and eligibility (Immigration and Naturalization Service’s Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification Form);applies to all employees hired after November 6, 1986.

Retention: 3 years from date of hire, rehire or 1 year after separation, whichever is later (minimum of 3 years) [8 CFR 274a.2]


  1. *-I). Advertisements of Job Opportunities

    Advertisements and announcements regarding job openings, promotions, training programs or overtime work including job orders submitted to employment agencies.

    Retention: 2 years

  1. *-II). Approval To Fill (ATF) request from agencies

    Records relating to personnel requisitions to fill vacant positions request.

    Retention: 6 years after date of issuance of personnel requisitions.

  2. Applications for Employment and Supporting Documentation

    Applications, resumes and supporting documentation, including polygraph exams, and other replies to job advertisements, including applications for temporary positions and applications from individuals not hired.

    Retention: 2 years from the date of the making of the record or the personnel action involved, whichever is later [29 CFR 1602.31] except for samples of publications, artwork or other products of prior achievement not returned to applicants are to be retained for as long as administratively valuable.

  3. * Background Investigation Files
    1. * Files containing background and/or criminal investigation information such as background checks, CVSA narrative psychological reports, reference checks, etc.

      Retention: 3 years

    2. * Criminal History Records Checks – Airport ID badge holder,Department of Aviation

      Retention: 180 days after an employee has terminated employment with a company

  4. * Aptitude and Skills Test Records

    Records including validation studies, tests, test papers of persons taking tests in relation to aptitude or skills tests required of job applicants or of current personnel to qualify for promotion or transfer.

    Retention: Life of test + 2 years

  5. Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Records

    Records of reports and investigations by consumer reporting agencies to help employers make hiring or employment-related decisions, including consumer report disclosure to employees, consumer report authorizations from employees, employer certifications to credit reporting agencies, reports from reporting agencies, and summary of rights.

    Retention: Individuals may bring claims under FCRA for 2 years after violation of Act [16 CFR, Appendix to Part 600]

  6. * Job Descriptions and Specifications

    Written descriptions of duties performed qualifications and physical requirements for positions.
    Retention: Permanent

    1. * Supporting Documents

      Documentation concerning the development and analysis of job descriptions and classification systems, including survey, review, and audit reports; classification standards and guidelines; selection criteria, determination of classification appeals, etc.

      Retention: Permanent, except for survey, audit or other reports issued on a regular basis, retain until superseded + 4 years [NOTE: documentation linked to a specific position is to be disposed with job description's retention]

    2. * Classification Files

      Records including audit reports, administrative review files, and classification study history files (“class files”).

      Retention: 3 years

  7. Recruitment and Interviewing Procedures

    Guidelines for recruitment and interviewing processes for hiring of employees.

    Retention: 2 years

  8. * Employee Selection

    Applicant rosters; eligibility test; test ranking sheets; justification statements for violating eligibility or ranking sequence, rejection letter to unsuccessful applicants.

    Retention: 2 years from the creation(or receipt) of the record or the personnel action involved, whichever later.


Records relating to the request to fill a vacant position including but not limited to a justification form, budget authorization, personnel requisitions, etc.

Retention: 1 year


Records containing unused, accumulated leave (if accumulated leave is creditable to an employee when rehired or the leave is used to calculate the length of service).

Retention: Permanent


Records relating to the employee performance evaluation plan but not included the formal review and comments.

Retention: Separation of employment + 6 years

90.134* SIGNATURE CERTIFICATES [Reference: County Schedule 15.240]

Signature certificates of any authorized personnel that are filed with the Career Service Authority

Records Division for authentication and verification of the signature of the official documents.

Retention: 1 year after end of employment

90.140* RESERVED

90.150* PENSION AND RETIREMENT RECORDS See also 90.030.B, Benefit Reports.

  1. Actuarial Reports

    Reports by actuaries concerning the financial soundness of a pension plan.

    Retention: 50 years

  2. * Annual Reports

    Annual reports from a pension system or fund.

    Retention: Permanent

  3. Retirement and Pension Files

    Records containing calculations and supporting documentation regarding retirement eligibility, retirement amounts and other information pertaining to current and future pensions, records of applications for pensions, determinations regarding pension awards and actuarial calculations for the pension.

    Retention: 10 years after benefits are no longer paid or after eligibility of employee or survivors for benefits ceases, whichever is later


  1. Programs that have long-term vital/historical value to Denver

    Records documenting the planning,development, implementation, administration and evaluation of in-house training, career development and organization development programs.

    Retention: Permanent

  2. In-house Programs

    Programs such as the Education Refund Program, etc.

    Retention: 3 years


Investigations of workplace theft or other incidents or activities resulting in economic loss to the employer; copy of statement provided to employee setting forth specific incident or activity under investigation and basis for testing; copy of notice provided to Human Resources professionals identifying persons to be investigated; copies of opinions, reports,charts, written questions, lists, and other records relating to the investigation.

Retention: 6 years after separation of employment.


The State of Colorado requires notification for child support purposes when a new employee is hired as part of the federal parent locater service. Reports are kept for statistical purposes. [General Reference: 42 USC 653]

Retention: 3 years


Studies, statistical reports,surveys, cost analyses and projections, and similar records except those noted elsewhere in this schedule,on any aspect of personnel management.

Retention: 6 years


Retention: Until supersede, or if implemented, 2 years from date of last RIF action under the plan


  1. Safety Training Records

    Manuals, handbooks, and similar documentation of safety training provided to employees.

    Retention: 2 years after superseded or after training is no longer administered, whichever is later

  2. Hazardous Materials Training Records

    Records of training given employees in a hazard communications program showing the date of each training session, subjects covered during the session, rosters of employees who attended, and the names of instructors.

    Retention: 6 years

  3. Blood Borne Pathogen Training Records

    Records of training employees with exposure to blood borne pathogens showing the dates of training sessions, session contents or summaries, names, and job titles of those who received training, and names and qualifications of instructors.

    Retention: 3 years

  4. Others

    Records of a training group or class as a whole including information presented to employees regarding policies and procedures. General and technical aspects of their jobs, and other matters, including class rosters, flyers, and other supporting information.

    Retention: 6 years after separation of employment [Note:If information concerning training or testing (e.g., test scores) is transferred to an Employee Service Record, the document from which the information is taken need only be retained for 2 years]


Reports and claim records for unemployment insurance payments.

Retention: 6 years


Records documenting work performed by individuals without compensation for their services, including applications, records of background investigations, individual recognition, and timesheets.

Retention: 3 years after separation from volunteer service


All tables or schedules (from their last effective date) of the employer which provide the piece rates or other rates used in computing straight-time earnings, wages or salary, or overtime pay computation.

Retention: Permanent


Records of scheduled work for employees, including shift schedules.

Retention: 3 years

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

General Description: Records of real property acquisition, sale, transfer and property maintenance.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records documenting the acquisition and sale or transfer of real property, including agreements of sale and purchase, appraisals, quiet title actions, condemnations and eminent domain actions, title insurance policies, closing documents and similar records.

Retention: 6 years after disposition of property


Conveyances of property or property rights, including quit claim deeds, warranty deeds, dedication deeds and similar documents.

Retention: Permanent


  1. Permanent Easements and Rights-of-Way

    Conveyances of rights to place utilities or other infrastructure or to cross under or over property owned by another property owner.

    Retention: Permanent

  2. Temporary Access and Construction Easements

    Documentation of temporary easements allowing access and entrance to, and work on, property or streets not owned by the easement holder.

    Retention: 2 years after easement expires


Agreements to obtain the right to use property owned by another, or to grant the right to use property to another party, for a specified period of time in exchange for the payment of rent; includes leases, lease-purchases, subleases, assignments of leases, etc.

Retention: 6 years after termination of lease


Records documenting the minor maintenance, repair and upkeep of facilities and property.

  1. Chemical Application Records

    Records documenting the application of chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers to parks, cemeteries, golf courses and other property.

    Retention: 3 years after application

  2. Chemical Testing and Treatment Records – Aquatic Facilities

    Records, including treatment logs, of chemical treatments for aquatic facilities such as public swimming pools, fountains, spas, hot tubs, etc.

    Retention: 3 years after treatment [CRS 25-5-803]

  3. Damage Records

    Records of damage and vandalism to property, including signs, trees, park facilities, aquatic facilities, golf courses, buildings, fences and other property.

    Retention: 3 years after date of incident

  4. *Inspection Records

    Records documenting periodic safety, health and environmental review and inspection of buildings (including those relating to plumbing, electrical, fire suppression, and other infrastructural systems), parks, playgrounds, golf courses, swimming pools and other public facilities to check for damage and recommend repairs and maintenance.

    Retention: 3 years

  5. Work Orders – Property

    Request and authorization forms for repair or maintenance work on facilities, signs, structures, etc.

    Retention: 2 years

95.060 PARKS

Historical records regarding parks, including correspondence with enduring value, architectural drawings, park histories, photographs, etc.

Retention: Permanent

Cross References

  • Agreements and contracts – 40.030, Agreements and Contracts Auction records – 30.030.B, Disposition Records
  • Cemetery – Schedule 10, Cemetery Records Correspondence – 145.010* Correspondence Records
  • Encroachment permits – 75.020.G, Permits to Work in Public Way Fleet and equipment – Schedule 35, Feet and Equipment Records
  • Policies and procedures – 40.220, Policies and Procedures Documentation Projects – 40.240, Project Files
  • Property inventories – 30.030.C, Inventories
  • Rental contracts – 40.230.A, Activities and Events – Short-Term Agreements, Contracts and Supporting Documentation Reports – 40.290, Reports
  • Rules, regulations and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards Security records – 105.020, Security Records – Denver Facilities
  • Tree inventory – 30.030.C Inventories
  • Tree removal permits – 75.020.F, Permits Issued by Denver in General Utility locate requests – 60.020, Locate Requests
  • Vacations – easements and rights-of-way – 60.070, Vacations – Street, Alley and Right-of-Way

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012
Updated: July 12, 2022

General Description: Records relating to the emergency, enforcement, and protective service functions.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records relating to the licensing and operations of Denver ambulance services.

  1. Ambulance Licensing Records

    Records relating to licensing and level of service certification of ambulance vehicles and operations.
    Retention: 2 years after license or certification expires

  2. Ambulance Run and Patient Records

    Call sheets, logs, patient treatment and transport records or other records of ambulance runs.
    Retention: 5 years

100.20* RESERVED


Records including the program materials, courses schedules, ratings and program progress as outlined by the Program Administrator.
Retention: 3 years after termination


Retention: 1 year


Client records associated with the Community Re-Entry Project that inmates are offered services to help to succeed upon release. [Note: This record type can be found at the Crime Prevention and Control Commission (CPCC).
Retention: 10 years

100.24* CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT RECORDS (Reference: DPD Criminal Intelligence Policy 118.03, 28CFR Part 23)

Records of Confidential Information (CI) application packet that contains informant information package checklist, informant activation form, informant liability waiver, personal history form, defendant cooperation agreement, confidential source information card, criminal history of the CI, arrest warrant search, driver’s license search, photograph of the CI, fingerprint card of the CI, CI payment card, etc.

Retention of paper records: 5 years after confidential informant was last used in any criminal investigation unless:

  1. The record has been subject to subpoena in a criminal or civil case in the last ten (10) years, in this case, the retention for subpoenaed records is 10 years, OR
  2. The informant has been decertified; in which case this record should be retained permanently.

Retention of electronic records: an electronic record of the informant that will contain only the following data will be retained permanently: identifying information on the informant, the officer(s) who controlled the informant, and dates of service.


  1. Dispatch Recordings

    Audio recordings made to monitor and record law enforcement and other protective or emergency services radio transmissions, including police and fire radio transmissions, police emergency 9-1-1 calls and fire, rescue, or ambulance dispatch calls.
    Retention: 90 days

  2. Emergency 9-1-1 System

    Records relating to emergency 9-1-1 and reverse 9-1-1 system management.
    Retention: 2 years after system is superseded


Records relating to the community corrections program, client referrals and the Denver Community Corrections Board operation. (Reference Colorado Revised Statues Title 17)

  1. Audit Reports on Facilities

    Audit reports including records on auditing staff and facility requirements that provide for appropriate in-house client programming and management, and the design, implementation, and facilitation of active participation in community services within their neighborhoods. (Reference CRS Title 17-Corrections)
    Retention: Permanent

  2. Client Files

    Client files for Pre-trial and Electronic Monitoring
    Retention: 1 year after discharge

  3. Client Referrals

    Client referrals records from the Department of Corrections and Judicial Department referrals
    Retention: 7 years after discharge


Records pertaining to all types of equipment, mechanisms and systems and their maintenance, inspection, and repair history; measuring and weighing devices; tools; office equipment, recording systems; etc. Documentation includes warranties, operating manuals, calibration and testing records, inspections, vehicle registration certificates, titles, bills of sale, etc.

Retention: Until equipment is no longer under municipal control or life of equipment + 3 years and/or after audit.


  1. Emergency Operations and Management Plans

    Records relating to disaster, emergency and civil defense planning and implementation and testing of disaster warning systems. Includes emergency operations plans, incident response plans, and disaster management, response, and recovery plans.
    Retention: Until Superseded

  2. Incident Records – Major Disasters and Emergencies

    Documentation of the extent and impacts of major natural or manmade disasters and emergency incidents and actions taken in response to such incidents; includes logs, diaries, damage assessment and response reports, situation and resource allocation reports, incident plans, resource ordering and tracking, financial documentation, photographs, and similar incident-related documentation. A major disaster or emergency incident is defined as one that may have historical significance and/or a federal or state disaster declaration, i.e., the 2008 Windsor tornado, the Granby armored bulldozer incident.
    Retention: Permanent


Records pertaining to fire suppression and prevention and emergency rescue functions.

  1. Administrative Records

    Applications for modification, alternative methods or materials and the final decision of the fire code official.
    Retention: Permanent [IFC §104.6.4]

  2. Apparatus Inspection Records

    Records of checks of vehicles, mechanical systems, and equipment such as breathing apparatus.

    1. Daily or Weekly Inspections

      Retention: 1 year

    2. Monthly Inspections

      Retention: 3 years

  3. Approval Records

    Records of approvals by the fire code official of certificates of occupancy, alarm systems, smoke and fire detection systems, and other matters regulated by the fire code.
    Retention: Not less than 5 years or for as long as structure or activity to which such records relate remains in existence, unless otherwise provided by other regulations [IFC §104.6.1]

  4. * Construction Documents

    Construction documents reviewed by the fire code official.

    1. Chemical and Fuel Tank

      Retention: Permanent

    2. Others

      Retention: Until final approval of work [IFC §105.4.6]

  5. Fire Hydrant Records

    Documentation of locations, specifications, maintenance, testing and repair of fire hydrants.
    Retention: 1 year after hydrant is replaced or removed from service

  6. Fire Records

    Records of fires within the jurisdiction, facts concerning the fires, statistics as to the extent of such fires and the damage they caused and other information required by the fire code official.
    Retention: Not less than 5 years or for as long as structure or activity to which such records relate remains in existence, unless otherwise provided by other regulations [IFC §104.6.3]

  7. Incident Call or Run Sheets

    Retention: 5 years

  8. Incident Case Files

    Records pertaining to incidents and follow-up investigations, including incident reports, supplemental reports, photographs or video recordings, diagrams, copies of police or insurance reports, etc. [General Reference: IFC §104.10]

    1. Arson With Fatality

      Retention: Permanent

    2. Arson Without Fatalities

      Retention: 10 years

    3. Misdemeanor

      Retention: 3 years

  9. Inspection Records

    Records of each inspection made, notices and orders issued and findings and disposition of each inspection; may include building plans or system specifications. See also Schedule 100.052
    Retention: Not less than 5 years or for as long as structure or activity to which such records relate remains in existence, unless otherwise provided by other regulations [8 CCR 1507-11 5.4.1, IFC §104.6.2]

  10. Intelligence Files (Arson)

    Records containing information regarding individuals and groups potentially linked to arson investigations.
    Retention: No longer than 5 years after obsolete or no longer relevant [28 CFR 23.20(h)]

  11. Requests for Service

    Retention: 3 years

  12. Removed
  13. Accident Records when DFD Responds
    1. Traffic Accident Arrest Records – No Criminal Charges Filed
      1. Fatal Traffic Accidents

        Retention: 10 years

      2. Non-Fatality Traffic Accidents

        Retention: 3 years

100.51 Fire Prevention Schedule [Reference: County Schedule 17.70]

Retention: 2 years

Fire Code Inspection Reports [Reference: County Retention Schedule 1.150]

Records of final on-site inspections done by the county or by its agency to determine the compliance of building construction, electrical, plumbing, mechanical and other systems with requirements of the county, uniform codes and all other adopted fire code standards adopted by the county.
Retention: Permanent


Records relating to hazardous materials regulation, prevention, safety and incident response and investigation.

  1. Incident Case Files

    Records of hazardous materials incidents and investigations, including incident reports, copies of fire and rescue reports, narratives, memos, etc.

    1. Criminal and Non-Criminal Hazardous Materials Incidents

      Records of incidents occurred within or adjacent to a structure which Fire Prevention has involvement, for example, toxic chemical releases, clandestine methamphetamine laboratories, etc.
      Retention: Life of Structure

    2. Noncriminal Hazardous Materials Incidents

      Records of hazardous materials incidents and investigations where Fire Prevention has no involvement.
      Retention: 2 years after costs are recovered

  2. S.A.R.A. Tier II Reports – Fire Department's Copies

    S.A.R.A. Title III (EPCRA) Tier II emergency and hazardous chemical inventory forms submitted annually, or within 90 days of exceeding the EPCRA threshold, to the fire department by facilities that use or store chemicals requiring a material safety data sheet.
    Retention: 2 years


  1. Arrest Reports – Possible Illegal Presence in the U.S.

    Reports made to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) regarding any person arrested that the law enforcement department believes is not legally present in the United States; and reports to the Colorado Legislative Council of the total number of reports made to USCIS. [General References: SB 06-090; CRS 29-29-103]
    Retention: 3 years after last contact

  2. Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program Records

    Reports relating to verifications of U.S. citizenship status of applicants for local licenses, credentials, rebates, employment and/or benefits. Note: Reports to the federal government are filed electronically as part of the SAVE verification process, and some municipalities may retain reference copies.
    Retention: 3 years

100.080 Police Records [General Reference: CRS 24-72-304]

Arrest Records

  1. Adult Offender Arrest Records
    1. Felony Arrests (Major Felonies and Violent Crimes)

      Cases such as arson with fatalities, homicides, kidnapping, deaths related to criminal acts, missing persons (excluding runaways), forgery and officers killed.
      Retention: Permanent

    2. Felony Arrests (Other)

      Other felony cases, special investigations related to cases such as aggravated assault, arson without fatalities and similar cases.
      Retention: 10 years

    3. Misdemeanor Arrests

      Misdemeanor cases, petty offenses, traffic offenses and similar cases.
      Retention: 3 years

    4. Sexual Assault Arrest Records

      Retention: 99 years

    5. Sexual Assault on a Child Arrest Records

      Retention: Permanent [CRS 16-5-401]

  2. Arrest and Booking Logs

    Retention: 5 years

  3. Expungement Records – Arrests

    Records of sealing or expungement of arrest records, retained with the expunged record.
    Retention: Until sealed record is destroyed pursuant to this Retention Schedule

  4. Juvenile Offender Arrest Records [General Reference: CRS 19-1-304]

    Retention: Until 19 years old

  5. Traffic Accident Arrest Records – No Criminal Charges Filed
    1. Fatal Traffic Accidents

      Retention: 10 years

    2. Non-Fatality Traffic Accidents

      Retention: 3 years

  6. Case Records

    Case files, incident reports, offense reports, crime stoppers reports, activity summaries, accident reports, fingerprint cards and files, photographic records of suspects and persons convicted of crimes (including photographic prints and negatives), photographic records of crime scenes (including photographic prints and negatives), video and audio recordings of crime scenes and interviews with witnesses or suspects, lie detector test records and other records pertaining to cases handled by the police department.

    1. Death Case Records – Noncriminal

      Retention: 10 years

    2. Felony Case Records (Major Felonies and Violent Crimes)

      Cases such as arson with fatalities, forgery, unrecovered firearms, homicides, kidnapping, deaths, missing persons (excluding runaways) and officers killed.
      Retention: Permanent

    3. Felony Case Records (Other)

      Other felony cases, special investigations related to aggravated assault, arson without fatalities and similar cases.
      Retention: 10 years [CRS 16-5-401]

    4. Misdemeanor Case Records

      Misdemeanor cases, petty offenses, traffic offenses and similar cases.
      Retention: 3 years

    5. Sex Offender Case Records

      Retention: Permanent

    6. Sexual Assault Case Records

      Retention: 99 years

    7. Sexual Assault on a Child Case Records

      Retention: Permanent [CRS 16-5-401]

    8. Traffic Accident Arrest Records – No Criminal Charges Filed
      1. Fatal Traffic Accidents

        Retention: 10 years

      2. Non-Fatality Traffic Accidents

        Retention: 3 years

  7. Community Relations Records

    Records of outreach and public relations efforts, including routine requests for police department contact, follow-up, services, etc., not involving a police report; neighborhood mediation; police presentations; and similar community outreach efforts.
    Retention: 2 years after completion

  8. Crime Lab Records
    1. Crime Labe Reports
      Including but not limited to initial report, final Report
      may contain Instrumentation results, Analytical performance, analysis results. 
      Retention: Permanent
    2. Case records, case file, case supporting documentation
      Including but not limited to request for testing, instrumentation data, inventory data, chain of custody, logs.
      Retention: Permanent
    3. Technical Program quality documents 
      Including but not limited to validation data, accreditation documentation, ISO 17025 documents, FBI QAS standards, AR3125 documents, internal audit documentation.
      Retention: Permanent
    4. Training records, training documents, and training supporting documentation
      Including but not limited to competency testing results, journal articles assigned (lists), completion certificates, court testimony training documents, training presentations.
      Retention: Permanent
    5. Specimen testing records that result in DNA genetic markers
      Including but not limited to DNA instrument generated data (raw data), specimen chain of custody documentation.
      Retention: Permanent

  9. Criminal History Files
    1. Felonies

      Retention: 10 years [CRS 16-5-401]

    2. Homicides

      Retention: Permanent

    3. Misdemeanors

      Retention: 3 years

  10. Evidence Records

    Records pertaining to the collection and storage of evidence collected at crime scenes and during police investigations. Note: Physical evidence, including DNA evidence, is destroyed in consultation with, and upon written authorization from, the district attorney. Since the retention and destruction of physical evidence related to crimes is determined by the police department in consultation with the district attorney, the retention of such physical evidence is therefore not covered in this Retention Schedule. Note: Retention periods apply provided that offenses are not affected by statute of limitations.

    1. Chemical Blood Testing Reports

      Reports requested by the police department for chemical blood testing (such as DNA testing) to determine genetic markers, performed by CBI or other agencies.
      Retention: Life of related case file or life of defendant, whichever is later [CRS 18-1-1101, et seq.]

    2. Evidence and Property Audit Records

      Audit reports detailing the authorized destruction or disposal of property and evidence associated with police cases, including drugs, drug paraphernalia, weapons, currency, explosives, armored or bulletproof clothing, unlawful property, etc.
      Retention: Until completion of next succeeding evidence and property audit

    3. Handling and Storage of Evidence Records
      1. Case-Specific Evidence Logs

        Logs documenting the receipt, transfer and release of materials taken into evidence for specific cases, including property reports, release records, evidence tags and similar records.
        Retention: Life of related case file or life of defendant, whichever is later [CRS 18-11101, et seq.]

      2. Evidence Logs Documenting Multiple Cases

        Logs documenting the receipt, transfer and release of materials taken into evidence for multiple cases, including property reports, release records, evidence tags and similar records.
        Retention: 7 years

    4. Lie Detector Test Administration Records

      Records retained by the test administrator to document expertise in the administration of lie detector tests using the computer voice stress analyzer, polygraph, and other lie detector test equipment.
      Retention: Permanent

  11. False Alarm Records

    Records of false alarms, warnings issued and user fee assessments, notifications of unreliable alarm systems, etc.
    Retention: 2 years

  12. Field Contact Records

    Records of contacts with businesses, complainants, juveniles, victims, or witnesses after which no incident report is filed.
    Retention: 3 years

    1. Recorded Interviews &ndash Field Contacts

      Recorded interviews conducted during field contacts in which no incident report is filed.
      Retention: 90 days if transcribed, or life of case file if not transcribed

  13. General Orders

    Directives or standard operating procedures issued by the police chief governing the overall operation and administration of the police department.
    Retention: Permanent

  14. Intelligence Files (Police)

    Records containing information regarding individuals and groups.
    Retention: No longer than 5 years after obsolete or no longer relevant [28 CFR 23.20(h)]

    K*-1 Removed

    K*-2 Removed

  15. * Passive Surveillance Records
    1. License Plate Recognition Data

      Data and images recorded by means of automated license plate recognition systems (one or more mobile or fixed high-speed cameras combined with computer algorithms to convert images of registration plates into computer-readable data) used to capture license plate numbers for parking enforcement, booting, stolen vehicle identification or other law enforcement purposes.
      Retention: 21 days for data and images with a mandatory destruction after 365 days, except that "hits" are retained for life of related case file

    2. Photo Red Light Video

      Data and video images recorded by means of red-light enforcement camera systems.
      Retention: Mandatory destruction after 365 days for data and images except data and images retained as part of case file are retained for life of related case file.

    3. H.A.L.O. Camera Video

      Video images recorded by fixed and mobile overt public area surveillance cameras
      Retention: 30 days unless retrieved pursuant to H.A.L.O. policy; mandatory destruction after 365 days except video images retained as part of case file are retained for life of related case file

  16. Logs - Routine

    Listings tracking specific routine daily activities, such as alarm check logs, logs of court subpoenas served, logs of crimes in specific areas, criminal history check log sheets retained for National Crime Information Center (NCIC) audits, dispatch logs, DUI logs, home check logs, offense logs, traffic accident lots, welfare check logs, etc.
    Retention: 2 years

  17. National Crime Information Center/Colorado Crime Information Center (NCIC/CCIC) Teletypes

    Informational teletypes received via NCIC and CCIC for entry to the police department's computer system, follow-up teletypes from other law enforcement departments.
    Retention: 30 days

  18. Parole Card File

    Retention: Until no longer needed

  19. Prisoner Transport Records

    Retention: 2 years

  20. Registered Sex Offenders
    1. Information Request Forms – Sex Offenders

      Forms completed by parties interested in inspecting public information regarding sex offenders. [General Reference: CRS 16-22-112]
      Retention: 2 years

    2. Sex Offender Registration and Cancellation Forms

      Notifications completed by convicted sex offenders regarding residence addresses and contact information. [General Reference: CRS 16-22-108]
      Retention: 5 years after offender leaves jurisdiction

    3. Sexually Violent Predators – Public Notifications

      Notices given to the public regarding sexually violent predators in the community. [General References: CRS 16-22-108 and CRS 18-3-414.5]
      Retention: Permanent

  1. Ride-Along Program Records

    Records of police programs that allow citizens to ride along with police officers.
    Retention: 3 years

  2. Seizure Fund Documentation

    Records relating to the fund for monies accrued as a result of court-ordered seizures and disposition of property connected to vice, narcotics and other crimes.
    Retention: 7 years

  3. Statistical Files

    Card or other indexes for statistical reporting of data by class of crime and other statistical information.
    Retention: 5 years

  4. Summonses and Complaints

    Duplicate copy of summonses and complaints.
    Retention: 2 years

  5. * Training Records

    Records documenting training for police personnel, including K-9 training records; firearms range scores, test scores, lesson plans, class schedules and training reports.
    Retention: Permanent

  6. Uniform Crime Report

    National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) annual uniform crime report.
    Retention: Permanent

  7. Vehicle Impound Records

    Records documenting the impoundment of licensed and non-licensed motorized vehicles and sports craft that have been taken into custody for violations of laws that govern their use, operation, and ownership.
    Retention: 2 years after vehicle is released to owner or otherwise disposed of

  8. Victim Assistance and Counseling Records

    Case records, including contact sheets, relating to victim assistance and advocacy.
    Retention: 2 years after completion of assistance

  9. Video and Audio Recordings - Secured Police Facilities

    Video and audio recordings made in secured areas of jails, holding areas, booking areas or lock- ups.
    Retention: To be determined administratively by law enforcement agency, provided that any pertinent recordings are retained until final resolution of any related potential or pending claim or litigation

  10. Video Recordings - Vehicle and Officer Recording Systems

    Video recordings and logs made from police vehicle or officer-carried recording systems.
    Retention: 60 days, except that portions of recordings relating to specific cases may be captured separately and retained as part of case record for life of case record

  11. Weapons and Firearms Records
    1. Authorizations to Carry

      Records of types of firearms and weapons carried by officers indicating authorization to carry weapons, that the weapon has been checked, and that the officer qualifies to use it.
      Retention: 2 years after weapon is no longer in use

    2. Weapons Maintenance Records

      Records relating to in-house and external maintenance work on weapons.
      Retention: 3 years

  12. Police Action Reviews at the Denver Police Department

    Records pertaining to reviews of Use of Force, Forced Entries and After-Action reports.
    Retention: 5 years

  13. Subpoena duces tecum at the Civil Liability Bureau

    Retention: 2 years


Internal Affairs Records used by various safety departments

  1. * Internal Affairs Investigations

    Records pertaining to internal investigations regarding conduct or actions, board of inquiry or internal affairs administrative inquiries and proceedings, and any subsequent disciplinary actions. Note: Substantiated investigations and substantiated review and disciplinary documentation should be transferred to the record copy custodian for personnel records to be retained or destroyed according to personnel policy unless there are conflicts with union policy.
    Retention: 5 years with exceptions noted

    1. * Official notification of discipline letter from all “sustained” investigation files.

      Retention: Permanent

    2. * “Asterisk List” files – Records of officer’s name on a witness list that involve sustained findings for policy violations related to credibility. The list is provided by the District/City Attorney.

      Retention: Permanent

    3. * “Commander Letter”, Internal Affairs Bureau Case Investigation Summary Report or equivalent case summary document from all “sustained” investigation files. The “Commander Letter” is a letter summarizing the facts of the incident a revealed through the investigation.

      Retention: Permanent

  2. * Internal Affairs Information Only Files

    Complaints that are received in the Internal Affairs Bureau that are of such a vague, general nature that further investigation is not possible or warranted will be filed and categorized as an Information Only file. No investigation will be conducted unless additional information is brought forward that necessitates an investigation.
    Retention: 5 years after date of complaint


  1. * Civil Process Records

    Case file including records relating to civil process such as executions, attempts, attachments, receptions of executions, etc.
    Retention: 2 years after case is resolved

  2. * Inmate Records not including health medical records

    Routine records including housing trips, legal jackets, etc. and non-routine records such as grievances, incident reports, conduct adjustment reports, etc.
    Retention: 10 years

  3. * Jail Register Intake Log

    Retention: Permanent

  4. * Training Records

    Records documenting training for sheriff personnel, including K-9 training records, firearms range scores, test scores and monthly training reports.
    Retention: 5 years after employee's termination

  5. * Removed


  1. * Juvenile Case Files

    Retention: 4 years

  2. * Referral Logs / Sign in Logs

    Retention: 2 years

Cross References

  • Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts
  • Billing records – 30.020*. Accounts Receivable (A/R) Records
  • Code enforcement records – 100.080*. B.4, Misdemeanor Case Records
  • Collective bargaining records – 90.050, Collective Bargaining Records
  • Concealed weapons permit – 75.020*. F, Permits Issued by the City and County of Denver in General
  • Correspondence – Schedule 145*, Correspondence Records
  • Equipment calibration, maintenance, and testing – 35.010*, Equipment Records in General
  • Fire Code – 40.070.A, Codes Adopted by Reference
  • Fire Code Board of Appeals – 05.040*, Building Review Board Case Files
  • Fire insurance rate maps – 40.180, Maps, Drawings and Supporting Documentation
  • Hazardous waste – 25.020*, Hazardous Waste Storage and Transport Records
  • Licenses and permits – Schedule 75, Licenses and Permits
  • Material safety data sheets – 25.030, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
  • Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation
  • Reports – 40.290, Reports
  • Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards
  • S.A.R.A. Tier II reports submitted to CHPDE and Fire Department – 25.040, S.A.R.A. Tier II Reports – Submitting Facility's Copy
  • Security records – 105.020*, Security Records – Denver Facilities
  • Toxic sites – 25.060, Toxic Sites
  • Traffic Code – 40.070.A, Codes Adopted by Reference
  • Training and certification records – 90.070*, Employee Records – Active and Terminated
  • Vehicles and equipment – Schedule 35, Fleet and Equipment Records
  • Warning systems – 35.010*, Equipment Records in General

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012
Updated: September 25, 2014

General Description: Records relating to risk management functions.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


  1. Certificates of Insurance

    Documentation provided by insurance providers as proof of insurance coverage for specific purposes.

    Retention: 6 years after expiration or completion of insured work or action, whichever is later

    Major County Projects [Reference County Schedule 5.240]

    Retention: 10 years after substantial completion

    Other Certificates of Insurance [Reference County Schedule 5.240]

    Retention: 6 years after expiration

  2. Claim Records

    Records of claims for damages by or against Denver.

    1. Claim Records

      Statements of claims and completed claim forms.

      Retention: 6 years after closure of claim

    2. Claim Reports

      Summary reports regarding losses and handling and disposition of claims.

      Retention: 6 years

  3. Insurance Policies

    Documents issued by the insurance company to outline liability, theft, fire, accident, property damage and other coverage and risk control standards.

    Retention: 6 years after expiration of policy, or after all claims made under policy are settled, whichever is later


  1. Automated or Manual Access Control Records

    Records generated by automated systems to show entry and exit from secured areas by authorized persons using an electronic badge or similar system to gain entry or exit, or records generated manually to document entry and exit to and from secured areas (i.e., entry and exit log sheets, etc.).

    Retention: 2 years

  2. * Recordings and Images Related to Security – Public Areas

    Video or audio recordings, biometric data or images from security or surveillance cameras, scanning systems or audio recording systems in public areas of municipal buildings or grounds. Security setups vary and recordings may be continuous, stop-frame or random use. Recordings or images may capture date and time indexing information.

    Retention: Up to 30 days, except video images retained as part of a case file are retained for the life of the case file.

  3. * Recordings and Images Related to Public Security – PCI Compliant Credit Card Transactions

    Video or audio or images from security or surveillance cameras monitoring areas where credit card transactions are completed. Security setups vary and recordings may be continuous, stop-frame or random use. Recordings or images may capture date and time indexing information.

    Retention: Up to 90 days, except video images retained as part of a case file are retained for the life of the case file.


Injury reports and supplemental reports and claim records for workers' compensation. See also Schedule 90.110, Health, Medical and Safety Records.

Retention: Permanent


Fidelity, surety, blanket, or other bonds intended to guarantee honest and faithful performance of officials. [CRS 31-4-219, CRS 31-4-401]

Retention: 6 years after bond expires


Plans describing how criteria of the Hazard Communications Act (Chapter 502, Health and Safety Code) with regard to the education and training of employees will be met.

Retention: Until superseded + 6 years

Cross References

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts

Claims – 80.010, Claims

Correspondence – Schedule 145*, Correspondence Records

Emergency planning records – 100.040, Emergency Planning and Response

Litigation – Schedule 80, Litigation and Legal Counsel Records

Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation

Recordings in secured police areas – 100.080*. AA, Video and Audio Recordings – Secured Police Facilities Reports – 40.290, Reports

Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards

Unemployment insurance – 90.190, Unemployment Insurance

Workers' compensation – 105.030*, Workers' Compensation

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012
Updated: November 2020

General Description: This schedule provides unique record types that reside in various specific Denver agencies.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and usable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records relating to the Cease and Desist orders or denials of permits made by the Board of Adjustment for Zoning Appeals. Including address indexes, case files, recordings of meetings, appeals, written findings, and variances granted.

Retention: Permanent


Records relating to the advice about ethics issues, complaints submitted by city employees or citizens about ethics issues regarding Denver city government personnel, investigation and decision-making documents.

  1. Complaint File Records

    Communications that convey objections, dissatisfaction or disagreement with actions or positions of city employee which may constitute a violation of the Denver Code of Ethics. Records include but not limited to the complaint form, supporting documentations to the investigation of the complaint, decision-making by the board, etc.

    1. Immediate dismiss

      Records relating to complaint that has no new precedents, the alleged violation is a minor or de minimis violation, the complaint is, on its face, frivolous, groundless, or brought for purposes of harassment, etc. [Reference: Code of Ethics Sec.2-56 (6)]

      Retention: 2 years after case closed

    2. No new precedents

      Records relating to complaint where no new precedents have been set by the board.

      Retention: 4 years after case closed

    3. New precedents

      Records relating to complaint where new precedents have been set by the board or the hearing decisions could derive major reference for future case study.

      Retention: Permanent

  2. Request for Advisory Opinion Records

    Records relating to the inquiries from citizens about whether an officer, official or employee has failed to comply with the Code of Ethics and or requests from city officers, officials or employees seeking waivers from compliance with specific provisions of the Code and other supporting documents of the requests.

    1. Immediate dismiss

      Records relating to inquiry that is groundless and no opinion have been made.

      Retention: 2 years after case closed

    2. No new precedents

      Records relating to inquiry where no new precedents have been made in the opinion.

      Retention: 4 years after case closed

    3. New precedents

      Records relating to inquiry where new precedents have been made by the board or the opinion of the inquiry could derive major reference for future case study.

      Retention: Permanent


  1. Hearing Officer Decision and Orders Records

    Records relating to decisions of appeals made by Civil Service Commission and or the Hearing Officers.

    Retention: Permanent

  2. Examination Lists

    Confidential records maintained for Commission use only. Records including date of examination, name of applicant, candidate identification number, examination scores and any other examination-related information deemed necessary by the Commission or Commission staff. [Reference: Civil Service Commission Rule 13]

    Retention: Permanent

  3. Eligible Register

    Records including names of applicants, respective examination scores, standing on the register, date the register was approved by the Commission, and such other information as the Commission may deem desirable. [Reference: Civil Service Commission Rule 13]

    Retention: Permanent

  4. Minutes

    Minutes of meetings including dates of meetings, names of attendees, record of official action taken on the correspondence or other matters coming before the Commission, and such other information as the Commission desires to make a matter of record. [Reference: Civil Service Commission Rule 13]

    Retention: Permanent

  5. Personnel Roster

    Records relating to official roster of the Civil Service Commission which includes the employment history in the classified service of each person who has been appointed to, employed, promoted, reduced, or reinstated in any position in the classified service, the number of officers in each grade within a department, and such other information as the Commission may deem desirable. [Reference: Civil Service Commission Rule 13]

    Retention: Permanent


Records relating to public assistance programs that are offered to the Denver community. These programs help and protect people of all ages including abused and neglected children and adults by making sure they live in safe environments and help both individuals and families in crisis.

  1. Adoption Records

    Including adoptee’s original birth certificate and amended birth certificate, final decree of adoption, “non-identifying” information, final order of relinquishment and order of termination of parental rights.

    Retention: Permanent

  2. Audit Records

    Annual or biennial cumulative audit or special audit reports prepared by external or internal auditors examining and verifying department activities. [General Reference: CRS 29-1-606]

    Retention: Permanent

  3. Government Revenue Sharing Program File

    Records pertaining to governmental programs allocating state or federal revenue sharing funds to Denver for specific purposes such as:

    1. Family and Adult Programs
      1. moved to c)
      2. Aid to the Blind Program (AB)
      3. Aid to the Needy Disabled (AND)
      4. Burial Assistance
      5. moved to f)
      6. moved to c)
      7. Food Assistance
      8. Housing Assistance
      9. Long Term Care
      10. Old Age Pension (OAP)
      11. Medical Assistance
      12. Financial
      13. Temporary Aid to Needy Families (TANF) or Colorado Works Program (CW)

      Retention: 3 years after the case is closed plus the current year, and the claim is not marked “Y” for Yes and if it is marked “Y” the total amount of the claims are >-$1000 and there is no active fraud, investigation, or litigation ending in the case.

    2. Child Protection / Welfare (including Foster Families)

      Retention: 6 years after the case is closed, or the youngest child turns age 21, whichever is longer.

    3. Others
      1. Child Support Services Medicaid and Medicare
      2. Veteran Services
      3. Family Crisis Center
      4. Assistance Case Records – Deceased Client
      5. Adult Protective Services, Elder Abuse

      Retention: 3 years after case closed plus current year

    4. Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP), Heating Cost Assistance
      Retention: 3 years plus current program year
    5. Merged with a)
    6.  Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)
      Retention: 3 years plus current year
  4. Program Development Records

    Records documenting the formulation and adoption of policies and procedures and the functions of the city or its departments. Includes narrative or statistical reports, related correspondence on program activities, organizational charts and mission statement studies regarding city or department operations, and records related to significant impact in which the city, departments or individual offices participated such as the Adoption Program.
    Retention: Permanent

  5. Fraud Investigation Records
    Records related to investigations into allegations of fraud of any program administered by DHS.  May also include records related to collections and prosecution stemming from violations.

    1. Founded with Intentional Program Violations (IPV)
    Retention:  Permanent
    2. Civil or Criminal Action
    Retention:  5 years + current year after case is closed or restitution is paid, whichever is later
    3. Client Error
    Retention:  3 years + current year after case is closed
    4. Unfounded
    Retention:  3 years + current year after case is closed


Records relating to Career Service appeals under Career Service Rule 19, including discipline, disqualification, layoffs, whistleblower appeals, discrimination, and grievances.

  1. Appeals Case Records

    An appeal is the formal complaint and process, by a City of Denver employee in the Career Service personnel system, in response to adverse agency actions as listed in CSR 19-10, “Actions Subject to Appeal.”

    Appeal Records include the appeal, supporting documents, orders, pre-hearing statements, discovery, subpoenas, exhibits, correspondence, and decisions of the hearing officers.

    Retention: 3 years after case closed or after all subsequent appeals, whichever is later.

  2. Hearing Office Decision and Orders Records

    Retention: Permanent


Records relating to early childhood care and education, after school and summer programs and youth development program.

  1. Grant Records for Head Start Program

    Records relating to grantee financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and other records pertaining to the grant award. [Reference: Head Start Act 2007, 45 CFR 74.53, 45 CFR 92.42]

    1. Denver Great Kids Head Start Program
      Retention: see #30.120*C
    2. Real Property and Equipment Records

      Retention: 3 years after date of final disposition (i.e., the date the equipment or property was sold or otherwise disposed)

    3. Other Financial Records

      Records including indirect cost rate proposals and computations, cost allocation plans and any similar accounting computations of the rate at which a group of costs is chargeable (such as computer usage charges, or composite fringe benefit costs)

      Retention: 3 years after closed


Records relating to the programs and services and funds organizations that support business retention and expansion, build sustainable neighborhoods, and connect people to jobs.

  1. Compliance Files - S/M/W/DBE

    Records relating to the i) monitoring of S/M/W/DBE goals of the awarded contracts of SBE- Small Business Enterprise certification, MBE-Minority Business Enterprise certification, WBE- Women Business Enterprise certification, DBE-Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Certification, ii) participation dollar amounts, iii) percentage and the committed goal level upon which the contract was awarded are maintained within the terms of contract.

    Records for Construction Compliance may include but are not limited to Letter of Intent, Contractor’s Certification of Payment (CCP), Instructions to Certification of Payment, Contractor’s Background Information Form, Schedule of Work, Change Order Form, Subcontractor’s Background Information Form, Final Release Form, Joint Venture Eligibility Form, Joint Venture Affidavit, etc.

    Records for Professional Compliance may include by are not limited to Letter of Intent, Consultant’s Certification of Payment (CCP), Instructions to Certification of Payment, Contractor’s Background Information Form, Schedule of Work, Amendment/Task Order Form, Subconsultant’s Background Information Form, Joint Venture Eligibility Form, Joint Venture Affidavit, etc.

    Retention: 6 years after expiration of covenant, expiration of contracts, fulfillment of all terms of the agreement/contract, or resolution of any disputes, whichever is later, provided that audit has been completed and agreement or contract no longer has any binding effect; except prior to destruction, evaluate legal, administrative or historical value.

  2. Enterprise Zone

    Records documenting the creation and management of enterprise zones in conjunction with other jurisdictions to encourage business growth by providing tax, permit and regulatory relief to development within the zone.

    Retention: 5 years except prior to destruction, evaluate legal, administrative or historical value.

  3. Program Development Records [Reference: 42 USC 5304 (g) Section 104(g), 16 USC 470 et seq. Section 106]

    Records with long-term value documenting the establishment, evolution and rationales for programs that have significant impact to the history of Denver communities and residents. These programs include but are not limited to:

    1. Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
    2. Community Development Block Grant Recovery Act (CDBG-R) under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
    3. Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG)
    4. HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
    5. Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA)
    6. Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP)
    7. Special Projects Appropriated Under an Appropriations Act for the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
    8. Special Projects Appropriated Under an Appropriations Act for the US Department of Labor (USDOL)
    9. Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
    10. Wagner-Peyser (W-P)
    11. Other stimulus awards

      Retention: Permanent

  4. Program Files – Business Services/ Business Development

    Records relating to business recruitment, business retention and Office of Economic Development marketing.

    Retention: 5 years except prior to destruction, evaluate legal, administrative or historical value.

  5. Program Files – DSBO

    Records of new certification as required under the Uniform Certification Application, recertification, annual reviews, work code changes, denials, etc. of the following certification categories: [Reference: 49 C.F.R. Part 23, 26]

    Airport Concession Disadvantage Business Enterprise (ACDBE) certification – this certification allows Denver area small businesses to compete for Concession-related business at the Denver International Airport.

    Small Business Enterprise (SBE) certification – this certification allows Denver area small businesses to compete for Construction-related projects funded by the City & County of Denver.

    Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) certification – this certification allows Denver area small businesses to compete for U.S. Dept. of Transportation federally-funded projects throughout the state of Colorado (including airport, highway and transit contracts).

    Minority/Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) certification – this certification allows Denver area small businesses to compete for Construction-related projects funded by the City & County of Denver.

    1. Active records of certification and recertification

      Retention: Permanent

    2. Denial records

      Retention: 6 years except prior to destruction, evaluate legal, administrative or historical value.

    3. Inactive records – records with no activity in two consecutive years

      Retention: 6 years except prior to destruction, evaluate legal, administrative or historical value.

    4. Records indicating permanently graduated from program

      Retention: 6 years except prior to destruction, evaluate legal, administrative or historical value.

    5. Revoke certification records

      Retention: 4 years after date of revocation except prior to destruction, evaluate legal, administrative or historical value.

  6. Program Files – Sustainable Communities Through Housing, Neighborhood Development and Business Lending

    This record series consists of accepted proposals and applications, contracts, project reports, studies, certificates, agreements, memoranda, correspondence, and other records relating to receipt, review, award, evaluation, status and monitoring of grants; allocation of funds and project budgets.

    Retention: 5 years beyond the Period of Affordability, activity Close-out Date in the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS), or the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance (IHO) Control Period, whichever is greater, except prior to destruction, evaluate legal, administrative or historical value.

  7. Program Files – Workforce Development

    Records relating to the full-service employment and training agency that meets the recruiting and training needs of businesses, job seekers and youth throughout the metro Denver area. Records include the type of services provided to the needy family assistance through the Denver Human Services partnerships.

    Retention: 6 years after the case closes or fulfillment of all terms of services whichever is later; except prior to destruction, evaluate legal, administrative or historical value.


Records relating to counseling and referral services to all City employees, their dependents, limited positions, on-call positions, contractual employees, retirees in areas of drug and alcohol abuse, work and family issues, financial and legal matters, workplace violence training and consultation, etc. [Reference: Colorado Mental Health Code, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)]

  1. Client Records

    Records relating to counseling services for employees (full time/ contractual/ on-call/ limited positions), permanent employee’s dependents, retirees in areas of drug and alcohol abuse, work and family issues, financial and legal matters, relationship problems, stress, grief and loss, management consultation, Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), workplace violence training and consultation, etc. [Reference: Department of Regulatory Agency in Licensed Marriage and Family Therapy (LMFT) Licensure]

    Retention: 7 years

  2. Program Case File

    Individual files developed from various in-house programs. Records may contain application form, approval notice, program related information and communications, etc.

    Retention: 5 years after file closed

  3. Reports

    Annual and quarterly reports on primary activities and accomplishments; may include statistics, narrative reports, graphs and diagrams.

    Retention: Permanent


Records relating to community complaints regarding allegations of misconduct involving members of the Denver Police (DPD) and Sheriff Departments (DSD), and Internal Affairs Bureau (IAB) investigations of complaints against Denver law enforcement officers.

  1. Complaint Case Files

    Records of allegations of discourtesy, improper procedure, inappropriate/unnecessary force, conduct prejudicial, discrimination/harassment/retaliations, etc. of a member of the Denver Police and Sheriff Departments. Records include complaint form, narratives/descriptions of complaint, supporting documents resulted from internal investigations and communications, conclusion of the complaint which can be categorized into i) Service Complaint/Informal, ii) Mediation, iii) Referral, iv) Decline or v) Formal IAB Investigation

    Retention: 10 years after case closed

  2. OIM Reports

    OIM annual reports or combined quarterly reports on the status of investigations and discipline relating to Denver Police and Denver Sheriff critical incidents include but not limited to police shootings and in-custody deaths, and citizen/internal complaints.

    Retention: Permanent

  3. Recommendations, Findings and Supporting Documentation

    Written findings or recommendations to Denver agencies rendered in an advisory or decision- making capacity; supporting documentation includes agenda item summaries and other documentation explaining the rationale for staff recommendations or presenting background information or the history of the recommendation.

    Retention: 10 years, except retain those that have enduring historical or policy value permanently

Cross References

Civil Service Commission Rule 13 Colorado Mental Health Code Denver Code of Ethics

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Police records – Schedule 100, Public Safety Records

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012
Updated: Jan. 1, 2023

General Description: All digital communications exchanged through the authorized City and County of Denver E-mail messaging systems, together with attached documents.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.

135.010* Electronic Mail Records

Electronic mail messages, regardless of whether such messages are produced or stored using city owned equipment or software (These include, but are not necessarily limited to, Microsoft Outlook, Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) E-mail services, Blackberry, tablets pc such as I-Pad, or any other current or future electronic messaging technology or device) are excluded from the definition of ‘Records’ and do not need to be retained unless the recipient has previously segregated and stored such messages as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, or operations of the City and County of Denver government or because of the value of the official governmental data contained therein. Note: these are not to be considered external correspondence records. See Schedule 145 correspondence records.

  1. Government or Content Value
    If email messages have been segregated and stored as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations of the City and County of Denver or because of the value of the official governmental data contained therein, the retention period is determined by the retention period specified for such content in applicable section(s) of this General Records Retention Schedule.
    30 days unless document is subject to be held for a longer period as defined in this General Records Retention Schedule. Employees who are out on leave of absence will be excluded from this policy for up to 30 days upon return to work.
  2. Other
    All other email messages
    Until read or 30 Days. Employees who are absent due to leave will be excluded from this policy for up to 30 days upon return to work.
  3. Email Attachments
    Email attachments must be retained with like record series outside of the email system.
  4. Terminated/Separated employees
    All email communication.
    30 Days after last day employed unless subject to current, outstanding, or pending litigation/governing hold.


Note: these are not to be considered external correspondence records (Schedule No.145).

  1. One on One (1:1) Chats, Private Chats (chats and notes from the employee to the employee)
    30 Days. Employees who are absent due to leave will be excluded from this policy for up to 30 days upon return to work.
  2. Group (1:many) Chats
    30 Days. Employees who are absent due to leave will be excluded from this policy for up to 30 days upon return to work.
  3. Collaboration Spaces
    Records include TEAMS channels chats and communication posts.
    1 Year after last update, unless excluded by regulation or operational need.
  4. Terminated/Separated employees
    All chats, communication.
    30 Days after last day employed unless subject to current, outstanding, or pending litigation/governing hold

Cross References

Electronic Mail Records, Schedule 135*

Electronic Records in General, 55.040* – Information Technology Records Legal Communications, 145.030* – Litigation and Legal Counsel Records

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

General Description: Records documenting external and internal audits of the financial, compliance and performance position of Denver. [Reference: County Retention Schedule 5.40 for Financial Audit Records]

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


  1. Annual Reports

    Retention: Permanent

  2. Audit Plans

    Retention: Permanent

  3. Audit Reports

    Records including audit reports, audit alerts, and special advisory reports. Retention: Permanent

  4. Audit Work Papers

    Documentation consisting of routine communications with auditors and copies of records compiled for the audit.

    Retention: 7 years after completion of audit


  1. Agreements – Audit Services

    See Agreements and Contracts Schedule 40.030*

  2. Audit Reports

    Annual or biennial cumulative audit or special audit reports prepared by external or internal auditors examining and verifying financial activities. [General Reference: CRS 29-1-606]

    Retention: Permanent

  3. Audit Work Papers

    Documentation consisting of routine communications with auditors and copies of records compiled for the audit.

    Retention: 3 years after completion of audit


Payroll records of workers, laborers, and mechanics employed to work on the City project, at any tier, performing construction, alteration, improvement, repair, maintenance, demolition, or janitorial work on public building or public work costing $2,000 or more.

Retention: 3 years after the completion of audit. Electronic records housed in the LCPTracker system will be purchased from LCP each year and kept on CD, or other media, for 7 years.

Cross References

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contract Correspondence – 145.010*, Correspondence Records

Policies and Procedures – 40.220, Policies and Procedures Documentation Reports – 40.290 – Reports

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012

General Description: A written communication that is exchanged via mail, facsimile transmission, private courier, including letters, postcards, memoranda, notes, telecommunications, and any other form of written communications but NOT including electronic mail. Please reference Schedule 135 for electronic mail records.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Correspondence to/from persons and entities external to the City that contains content identified by another record group or series listed in this general retention schedule, follow the retention that is assigned to the record group or series; for electronic mail correspondence, please reference Schedule 135; otherwise, the retention periods are as specified below.

  1. Enduring Long-Term Value

    Correspondence to/from persons and entities external to the City with lasting long-term administrative, policy, legal, fiscal, historical or research value; records that relate to policy issues and actions or activities in which an important precedent is set; records of historic events; and other similar records and documentation.
    Retention: Permanent

  2. Policy and Program Development Value

    Correspondence to/from persons and entities external to the City pertaining to the formulation, planning, implementation, modification, or redefinition of the policies, programs, services, or projects of the City and County agencies.
    Retention: Retain as administrative value or until policy and program is developed

  3. Routine Value

    Routine correspondence to/from persons and entities external to the City with limited administrative, legal, fiscal, historical, informational, or statistical value such as routine letters, reading or chronological files that contain duplicate copies of correspondence filed elsewhere, routine requests for information, transmittal letters, etc.
    Retention: 2 years

  4. Transitory Value

    General correspondence of extremely short-term value requests for review, meeting/scheduling information, etc.
    Retention: Until material has been read or it is no longer useful.


Internal memoranda to/from City staff and officials that contains content identified by another record group or series listed in this general retention schedule, follow the retention that is assigned to the record group or series; for electronic mail correspondence, please reference Schedule 135; Otherwise, follow the below schedule.

  1. Enduring Long-Term Value

    Internal memoranda to/from City staff and officials with lasting long-term administrative, policy, legal, fiscal, historical or research value; records that relate to policy issues and actions or activities in which an important precedent is set; records of historic events; and other similar records and documentation.
    Retention: Permanent

  2. Policy and Program Development Value

    Internal memoranda to/from City staff and officials pertaining to the formulation, planning, implementation, modification, or redefinition of the policies, programs, services, or projects of the City and County agencies.
    Retention: Retain as administrative value or until policy and program is developed

  3. Routine Value

    Internal memoranda to/from City staff and officials with limited administrative, legal, fiscal, historical, informational, or statistical value such as routine letters, reading or chronological files that contain duplicate copies of correspondence filed elsewhere, routine requests for information, transmittal letters, etc.
    Retention: Until material has been read or it is no longer useful.

  4. Transitory Value

    Internal memoranda to/from City staff and officials of extremely short-term value requests for review, meeting/scheduling information, etc.
    Retention: Until material has been read or it is no longer useful.


Communications and legal advisory opinions written by legal counsel to give advice regarding the legality or legal consequences of various courses of action and to present the basis and rationale for legal recommendations.

  1. Enduring Long-Term Value

    Formal Opinions of the City Attorney have long-term administrative, policy, legal, fiscal, historical, informational, reference or research value.
    Retention: Permanent

  2. Other

    See External Correspondence 145.010*, Internal Memoranda 145.020*, for the retention periods for all other legal communications. Note: these documents may be confidential and/or privileged materials; nevertheless, they should be retained for the appropriate period.

Cross References

  • Electronic Mail, Schedule 135*
  • Electronic Records in General, 55.040* – Information Technology Records Legal Communications, 80.030* – Litigation and Legal Counsel Records

Print this records schedule

Issued: July 2012
Updated: July 23, 2013

General Description: Records relating to the payroll administration of employees.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


  1. Basis of Pay

    Records pertaining to additions to or deductions from wages paid, including credit union deduction requests, direct deposit authorizations, garnishments, pension deduction, deferred compensation deductions, etc.; the basis on which wages are paid; earnings per week; records containing employee's name, address, date of birth, occupation, rate of pay and compensation earned per week; includes payroll adjustment records as a result of overpayment, underpayment, etc. includes payroll records pertaining to both FLSA-Exempt and FLSA-Non-Exempt Employees.
    Note: The basis on which wages are paid must be documented in sufficient detail to permit calculation for each pay period including benefits and prerequisites. The records may include payment of wages, wage rates, job evaluations, merit and incentive programs and seniority systems. The basic reason for these records is to give the Wage-Hour Division an indication on whether or not sex discrimination exists.
    Retention: 3 years [29 CFR 516.2, 29 CFR 516.5, 29 CFR 1627.3]


  3. Direct Deposit Reports
    Retention: 2 years

  4. Time Change Records
    1. Unused accumulated leave records

      a. Active and terminated employees
          Retention: 3 years

    2. Time Change Requests
      Request and authorization for overtime, sick, vacation, travel, participation in bona fide work-related activities, compensatory, personal business, family and medical leave, long-term leave, military leave and other leave time.
      1. Military Leave
        Retention: Employees may spend up to 5 years on active duty and still be eligible for reemployment [38 USC 4312]
      2. Other Time Change Requests
        Retention: 2 years
  5. Payroll Reports
    1. End of Pay Period
      Retention: 2 years

  6. Payroll Tax Records
    Records of collection, distribution, deposit and transmittal of federal and state income taxes, including employer's quarterly federal tax return (941, 941E) and other similar federal and state forms.
    Retention: 15 years [26 CFR §301.6502-1]

  7. Register – Payroll [Year-End]
    Documentation of the earnings, voluntary and required deductions and withholdings of employees.
    Retention: 50 years

  8. Salary Surveys
    Studies and surveys conducted to gather comparative salary information for positions in comparable organizations.
    Retention: 3 years

  9. Time Worked Records
    All basic time and earnings cards or sheets and work production sheets of individuals where all or part of the employee's earnings are determined.
    Retention: 5 years [CRS 8-72-107]


  11. W-2 Forms
    Annual wage and tax statements documenting individual employee earnings and withholdings for state and federal income taxes and social security tax.
    Retention: 15 years [26 CFR §301.6502-1]

Print this records schedule

Issued: September 2018
Updated: August 2024

General Description: Records that do not have a defined retention schedule or retention category.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Official records where, in which content does not match any existing records retention schedules, or that do not have a defined specific records retention schedule automatically fall into this retention schedule. 
Retention: 3 years

More Information

Duplicate Copies

Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful.

In accordance with CRS 6-17-104, a default retention period of three (3) years is adopted for records that federal, state, or local law requires to be retained when no retention period is otherwise specified.

The retention period applies to the information contained within the record, regardless of the physical format of the record (paper, microfilm, computer disk or tape, optical disk, etc.).



Guidelines for identification and handling of some non-records are discussed in Appendix A – Non-Records. Numbering System

The Denver General Records Retention Schedule is organized in individual schedules that group related records according to county/municipal functions. Each schedule is assigned a reference number, and an item identification number is assigned to each records title listed. Here are some examples that will prompt you to the origination of the reference and identification numbers.

  • 05.010 means Schedule 5, Item 010 – The identification number ending in “0” indicates that the records title and retention period is the same as that established by the model set forth in the Colorado Municipal Records Retention Schedule.
  • 70.011 means Schedule 70, Item 011 – The identification number ending in numbers other than “0” indicates that the records title and retention period is referenced from the Colorado County Schedule.
  • 30.081* means Schedule 30, Item 081 – The identification number ending in an asterisk “*” indicates a retention period and/or type of records that is unique to the City and County of Denver.

The schedule and item identification numbers are listed with the individual records titles in the index – the key to locating records titles in the schedules.

Record Titles and Description

Because the records titles used may not reflect the exact records titles used by everyone, this retention schedule provides a short paragraph that describes the use and typical contents of each records series and sub-series.


Terminology that may be unfamiliar to some users is explained in Appendix B – Glossary. Trigger Dates

Trigger dates are included in retention periods whenever possible. A trigger date is the date of an event, action or cut-off point that begins the countdown to the end of the retention period. Examples of a trigger date in a retention period are highlighted in the following: "3 years after expiration of the warranty" and 1 year after the tap is disconnected." When a trigger date is not specified, the countdown to the end of the retention period begins on the date the file is closed, the date the file no longer has any administrative or reference value, or the date of the newest version of the document in the file.

Retention Periods and Records Destruction Procedure

Retention periods are based on legal requirements and/or on common usage and industry standards to meet typical administrative, operational or reference requirements. The retention time period indicates the length of time that the only record should be retained before disposal take place. The city agencies shall submit a Request for Authority to Destroy Official Records to the Records Manager. The  Records Manager will review and approve the request in a timely fashion. All City agencies should continue to evaluate records for continuing legal, fiscal, administrative or historical value and determine whether they are the subject to any Litigation Hold before proceeding with the authorized destruction. It is permissible to either wait to destroy obsolete records until the end of the year in which they become eligible for destruction or to go ahead and destroy records at the end of the retention period.

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