Schedule No. 5 Building and Structure Records

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Issued: July 2012

General Description: Records relating to the building permit and inspection functions.

No record may be destroyed under this General Retention Schedule without the approval from the Records Department and the City and County of Denver’s Records Manager. Additionally, no record may be destroyed if the record is subject to an active litigation hold (refer to Executive Order 143-C). For additional information about the records program or records retention refer to Executive Order 143-B. The Records Management Program Policies and Procedures Manual for instruction about records creation, management, and disposition of individual records. The minimum retention periods specified in this schedule apply to the information contained within the record, regardless of the format of the record (paper, microfilm, electronic, etc.). Each agency must decide on the format for retention of each type of record, ensuring authenticity, readability, and accessibility for the entire retention period. Duplicate copies are NOT records. Copies that are created for administrative, convenience, reference or other purpose are NOT records and should be retained only until no longer useful. Electronic Records and Data must remain accessible, authentic, reliable, and useable through any kind of system change, update, or system end of life for the entire period of its retention, which shall be defined by information-type, as presented in this General Retention Schedule. Provided the data is an accurate representation of the information contained in the source documents from which the data was derived, the source documents need not be retained unless they contain other record information not contained in the electronic repository.


Records maintained by the City and County agencies as address history files to provide a chronological record and running history of building-related activities for each address.
Retention: Permanent


Applications for the erection of new structures or modifications to existing structures.

  1.  Applications for Building Permits Issued

    Retention: 6 years

  2. Applications for Building Permits Not Issued
    Retention: 180 days from date of application


Permits issued for construction-related activities (such as new construction, remodeling, renovation, installation of plumbing, electrical or mechanical equipment, demolition, installations of billboards, signs, banners, etc.).
Retention: Permanent


Records pertaining to cases or appeals heard by the Fire Code Board of Appeals, Building Board of Adjustment, Building Board of Appeals or other boards with review and/or decision-making authority regarding code compliance, alternate building materials, methods of construction, building code violations or similar matters.
Retention: Permanent


Documents issued after the permitted construction activity is completed as evidence that all minimum requirements have been met before the building or structure can be occupied and used.
Retention: Permanent


Blueprints and specifications submitted as supporting documentation for a building permit.

  1. Approved
    Drawings, plans (final or as-built) or specifications for permit for public buildings, or commercial, industrial or apartment structures.
    Retention: 6 years after date of issuance of permit except retain permanently for structures with historic designations.
  2. Not Approved
    Unapproved drawings, plans (final or as-built) or specifications for building permit.
    Retention: 180 days from date of application


  1. Building and Structure Inspection Reports
    Records of final on-site inspections done to determine compliance with building, electrical, fire, plumbing, mechanical or other requirements and building standards; also includes other inspection reports, such as inlet inspections, proof roll inspections. etc.
    Retention: Permanent

  2. Soil Condition Reports
    Records of inspections of soil conditions, including nature, distribution and supporting ability of soils and rocks on building sites prior to issuance of building permits or approval of development proposals.
    Retention: 20 years

  3. Trailer/Mobile Home Inspection Reports
    Records of inspections of mobile home installations, anchoring, utility connections, etc.
    Retention: 2 years

  4. Unsafe Buildings
    Documentation of complaints, inspections, notifications, corrective actions, closure and boarding, demolition and related actions relating to buildings and structures determined to be unsafe.
    Retention: Permanent


Record books, ledgers or computer printouts listing issued building permits.
Retention: 3 years, except retain permanently if the register or ledger is older than 1920


Summary housing reports and statistical compilations tracking building activity on a monthly or annual basis, including reports compiled for the U.S. Census Bureau, used to monitor growth and track building trends. [Reference: County Retention Schedule 1.210]

  1. Annual Reports and Compilations
    Retention: See 40.290

  2. Monthly Reports
    Retention: See 40.290

05.090* RESERVED

Cross References

Agreements and contracts – 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts

Building permit fee collection – 30.020*, Accounts Receivable (A/R) Records

Codes adopted by reference – 40.070.A, Codes Adopted by Reference Communication Tower permits – 75.020.F, Permits Issued by the City and County of Denver in General Contractor's licenses – 75.020.B*, Contractor's Licenses/Registrations

Fence permits – 75.020.F, Permits Issued by the City and County of Denver in General

Gas and oil drilling structures -75.020.F, Permits Issued by the City and County of Denver in General Landmark designations – 50.040*, Landmark and Historic Designation

Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation Reports – 40.290, Reports

Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards